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WARM UP – AUGUST 30TH Using the chart in the guided notes – Answer the following questions 1. Define primary and secondary sources 2. Why are primary sources.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP – AUGUST 30TH Using the chart in the guided notes – Answer the following questions 1. Define primary and secondary sources 2. Why are primary sources."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP – AUGUST 30TH Using the chart in the guided notes – Answer the following questions 1. Define primary and secondary sources 2. Why are primary sources important? Why are secondary sources important? 3. What should you question a primary source? Why should you question a secondary source?

2 Primary Sources vs Secondary Sources
document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. Letters, diary excerpts, speeches, interviews, official records Newspapers, political cartoons, paintings, photographs, videos, music Why important – eye witness, first hand account Why question – does the author have a bias or agenda? an interpretation of a primary source, at least 1 step removed from the actual event or time period. Textbooks, histories, magazines, encyclopedias Why important – offers additional insight into an event Why question – author wasn’t actually there and could be misinformed, or could have a bias.

3 1488 world map  1.1 - Early America

4 Populating the Americas
First people migrated to North America from NE Asia as early as 22,000 years ago Beringia land bridge by foot, boats Nomadic hunters and gatherers Nomadic (moved around constantly) because food depended on geography

5 Agriculture Develops 10,000 to 5,000 years ago, agricultural revolution in central Mexico  emergence of crops (maize, gourds, pumpkins, peppers, beans, etc) Why was developing agriculture so game-changing? Agriculture = the ability to remain in one location  evolution of stable and complex societies/civilizations

6 North American Cultures in the 1400s
Why do you think early American cultural areas developed the way they did? ***Geography affects settlement patterns.*** Societies are formed based on geographic/topographic aspects and weather patterns.

7 What’s Going on in Europe?
Renaissance ( s) Renewed interest in the physical world Scientific/technological advances Confidence in human achievement Reformation (1500s) Disagreements over Christian church authority Church vs kings/monarchs  Who is more powerful?! Division of Catholicism and Protestantism  religious persecution (hostility towards and mistreatment of a group of people) Why explore the new world?

8 God Glory Gold Why Explore the World? Let’s Explore!
Pride – each European nation wanted to have the biggest worldly empire Let’s Explore! God Glory Gold Spread Christianity Later – escape from religious persecution Self-explanatory… Where da gold at?!

9 Age of Exploration Led by Portugal – rounded the tip of Africa
Increased trade routes = more goods and more $$$

10 Spain & Columbus Spain saw Portugal as a threat!
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella just finished destroying a Muslim empire in the newly Spanish region  looking to put their name on the map (literally) Christopher Columbus - Italian mariner, believed there was a shorter route to Asia  across the Atlantic

11 Columbus Encounters the Americas
1492, landed in the Caribbean Renamed the island San Salvador (“Holy Savior”) Called natives “Indians” Brutally mistreated Died of European diseases (measles, chicken pox, typhus)

12 Conquistadores Reports of North America fueled voyages by Spanish conquistadores (explorers)  land gains for Spain

13 Columbian Exchange After Columbus’ (and other explorers’) reports, more people migrated to North America and a trade system of goods between the Americas and Europe emerged 1500s-1800s, exchange of goods, people, diseases, and ideas between Europe and the Americas

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