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Can we build a more sustainable adult social care system?

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Presentation on theme: "Can we build a more sustainable adult social care system?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can we build a more sustainable adult social care system?
Professor John Bolton May 2019

2 Approaches to better outcomes, managing demand -

3 Adult Social Care The way in which we help someone when they approach us (often in a crisis) makes a significant difference to the outcomes for the customer. We need to have a menu of help available that includes: Diversion to community for support Reablement/ Recovery/ Rehabilitation / Recuperation Social Care needs to help people to maximise their progress towards independence Significant variations between councils in the UK as to the outcomes they achieve from their arrangements leading to much higher “demand” in some places than others

4 Managing demand in social care –Progression Model
Diversion – Community NHS


6 Tackling Frailty In Older People – ADL SMARTCARE
Re-able Activities of Daily Life Hierarchy Compensate Care

7 What might ADASS/LGA do?
Defend the traditional approach and continue to argue for more money in line with demographic trends (which we are unlikely to get) Or Build a consensus on a transformational approach to adult social care that is lower cost (more sustainable) and improves outcomes for customers (Learn from Coventry, Thurrock, Somerset etc)

8 Contact us Visiting Professor at Oxford Brookes University hospital-transfers-of-care-for-older-people.html Papers examine: Emerging practice in outcome-based commissioning for social care Predicting and managing demand Six steps to performance management Commissioning Domiciliary Care Commissioning for Outcomes in Wales Commissioning and planning out of hospital care New Developments in Social Care

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