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1 The Challenges in Commercializing Nanomaterials Keith Blakely

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1 1 The Challenges in Commercializing Nanomaterials Keith Blakely

2 2 Contents Technology exploitation – and lessons learned Nanotechnology as a toolkit Nearer-term opportunities in nanotechnology

3 3 Technology Exploitation …and lessons learned

4 4 The Valley of Death The inventor I have made a prototype It has really interesting properties There is a potential market for it The customer I want a characterized and economic product that fits my process, and is produced using a characterized and scalable process

5 5 Past Technology Booms Inventions usually in corporate labs or universities Bandwagon of companies jumping on the trend Plastics, my boy (The Graduate) 1960s Structural ceramics (1970s-1980s) Structural ceramics Optoelectronics (late 1990s) Optoelectronics Nanotechnology (2000s) Boom and bust Consolidation Survivors develop mature profitable businesses

6 6 Structural Ceramics Kent Bowen (MIT) and others – microstructure control is critical and can allow you to develop great properties Major hype on ceramics use in everything from turbochargers to kitchen knivesturbochargers kitchen knives Boom, bust, consolidation Why were expectations not met? Product designs didnt stand still and wait for the materials to mature The ceramic turbocharger was sidestepped by multiple valves per cylinder, variable valve timing etc. High strength metals, plastics, and composites competed Many applications werent cost-effective – kitchen knives? Engineers and designers werent comfortable with brittle materials in many applications Still a good business in wear parts, refractories, bearings, armor, semiconductor equipment, microelectronics…wear partsrefractoriesbearings, armor,

7 7 Lessons Your team is critical – creativity balanced by experience (its not just the science that matters) Avoid a one-trick pony – look for a technology or market platform with flexibility and real sustainable market pull The existing technology wont stand still Manage your development and execute carefully Manage your product portfolio and bear in mind the time to commercialize Manage your supply chain to be the low cost supplier

8 8 Nanotechnology as a Toolkit

9 9 Will Nanotechnology be the Same Boom and Bust Story? Time will tell! There are similarities and differences Market pull from electronics / medicine / defense / energy Huge diversity of processes Chemical Physical Biological Huge diversity of products Particulate Nanostructured materials Composites Coatings Too much money chasing opportunities

10 10 How can nanotechnology help? It allows us to develop: Uniform particles Reactive particles Unusual properties Nano-structured materials (tubes, balls, hooks, layers, surfaces) Nano-structured materials tubes,layers Directed assembly and other novel processes Directed assembly It is a toolkit to allow us to make improved products The technology behind the improvements will usually be invisible to the consumer (tires, tennis balls, sunscreen, car wax, ski wax, golf balls…..)tirestennis ballssunscreencar waxski waxgolf balls

11 11 Crossover in technologies and markets is real – NanoDynamics products and markets

12 12 Nearer-term Commercial Opportunities

13 13 Application industries Automotive Chemical Engineering Electronics Construction Medicine Textiles Energy Cosmetics Food and drinks Household Sporting goods (VDI Technologiezentrum EC Report)VDI Technologiezentrum EC Report)

14 14 Electronics MLCC electrode materials and dielectrics MLCC 50 – 300 nm Ni and BaTiO3 50 – 300 nm Ni and BaTiO3 New Pd-Ag systems will revive precious metal electrode systems New Pd-Ag systems will revive precious metal electrode systems Embedded Capacitors Use of nanomaterials to increase effective K Clarkson University / NanoDynamics

15 15 Coatings and adhesives ITO Electrically conductive properties from sputtered systems for highest electrical conductivity IR absorbing coating systems using suspended nanoparticles Transparent conducting adhesives with <10% ITO MMP/NanoDynamics

16 16 Nanotech in Energy Solar Cells

17 17 Solid oxide fuel cell Fuel flexibility Rapid start High efficiency Cost-effective

18 18 Nanotech in Consumer Products

19 19 Nanotech in Consumer Products

20 20 Nanotech in Defense & Homeland Security Advanced armor and munitions Biological and chemical sensors Adaptive camouflage Smart skin Portable power

21 21 So Why Isnt Everyone Getting Rich? Application potential is huge; current consumption is not Design engineers arent aware of products, properties, suppliers, standards, or risks Manufacturers havent reached critical mass or come down the cost curve adequately yet Lots of discussion and dialogue between material producers and end users is still needed

22 22 Our Strategic Approach Select a limited number of value-added or end-use products to manufacture that incorporate nanomaterials Demonstrate the value proposition to the market place and promote it Expand the interest and application into other industries, products, and markets Acquire conventional product lines and integrate nanomaterials to create new products and opportunities

23 23 Summary New materials have historically been challenging to commercialize 15 – 20 years on average from discovery to first commercial use Nanotechnology has all the necessary components of a bubble Finding products that can use the advantages of nanomaterials today is critical

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