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Tuesday, Oct 2: Success Starter

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1 Tuesday, Oct 2: Success Starter
List and explain the three causes of the American Revolution that we have discussed. What are the three parts of the Declaration of Independence? Who were Georgia’s signers of the Declaration of Independence?

2 Tuesday, Oct 2: Success Starter
List and explain the three causes of the American Revolution that we have discussed. – French and Indian War (left Britain in debt); Proclamation of 1763 (angered colonists/didn’t allow them to move onto the land they’d been promised); Stamp Act (irritation/sign of things to come/taxation without representation) What are the three parts of the Declaration of Independence? – Preamble (includes the Natural Rights of Man); Grievances; Separation/Declaration Who were Georgia’s signers of the Declaration of Independence? – Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

3 Standards Focus SS8H3 Analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolutionary Era. Explain the causes of the American Revolution as they impacted Georgia; include the French and Indian War; Proclamation of 1763; Stamp Act Interpret the three parts of the Declaration of Independence (preamble, grievances, declaration) and identify the three Georgia signers of the document. Analyze the significance of the Loyalists and Patriots as a part of Georgia’s role in the Revolutionary War; include the Battle of Kettle Creek and Siege of Savannah. Analyze the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and explain how those weaknesses led to the writing of a new federal Constitution.

4 How can conflict cause change?
Guiding Question How can conflict cause change?

5 The Declaration of Independence

6 Declaration of Independence Parts
On the Milestones, these will be grouped together. Preamble Part 1 – Natural Rights of Man Part 2 – List of Grievances Part 3 – Announcement of Separation

7 Preamble Introduction
The colonists feel that they must explain to the world the reasons why they are separating from Britain.

8 Part One: The Natural Rights of Man
Stresses the rights that belong to all people from birth “Unalienable rights”= rights that can’t be taken away Famous Quotes: “All men are created equal”, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” People set up governments to protect these rights. People can change the government if it isn’t protecting them.

9 Part Two: List of Grievances
A list of the 27 wrongs done to the 13 colonies by the British government Divided into three sets: - King’s unjust use of power - Unjust acts of Parliament - Warlike acts of the king

10 Part Three – Announcement of Separation
As representatives of the U.S., they declare that they are free and independent states No longer loyal to the king The signers promise their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.”

11 Georgia’s Three Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Button Gwinnett George Walton Lyman Hall

12 Declaration of Independence Parts
On the Milestones, these will be grouped together. Preamble Part 1 – Natural Rights of Man Part 2 – List of Grievances Part 3 – Announcement of Separation

13 Reading the Declaration
Please take a copy of the Declaration of Independence. PERIODS 1-2 must work alone. PERIODS 3-5 may work in a group of 2, but each person must answer all questions and turn in his or her own paper. QUESTIONS Preamble: What are the two central ideas of the Preamble? Natural Rights of Man: What are the four central ideas from the section Natural Rights of Men? Grievances: What are the two central ideas of the Lists of Grievances? Separation: What are the three central ideas of the Announcement of Separation? Paraphrase one section/paragraph. Paraphrase = same length as original, same meaning as original, YOUR OWN WORDS

14 Today’s Tasks Read Declaration and answer questions; paraphrase one section (I’ll put the slide back up) Analyze “Join or Die” political cartoon (handout) Begin Loyalists and Patriots graphic organizer (handout)

15 Wed, Oct 3: Success Starter
What was Mary Musgrove’s role in (trustee) colonial Georgia? 2) What did the Malcontents want from Georgia’s (trustee) colonial government? Did they get it? 3) Which Georgia governor was the only colonial governor to support the Stamp Act, thus delaying the American Revolution? (HINT: Look in your textbook). *

16 Wed, Oct 3: Success Starter
What was Mary Musgrove’s role in (trustee) colonial Georgia? – Interpreter for Tomochichi and James Oglethorpe 2) What did the Malcontents want from Georgia’s (trustee) colonial government? Did they get it? – They wanted enslaved people, alcohol, and to be able to buy and sell land. Essentially, they wanted to become like South Carolina. Yes, they got what they wanted. 3) Which Georgia governor was the only colonial governor to support the Stamp Act, thus delaying the American Revolution? – Governor James Wright *

17 Hamilton – Guns and Ships Hamilton – Battle of Yorktown
Review Videos Video Overview: Major Battles of the Revolution Hamilton – Guns and Ships Hamilton – Battle of Yorktown Video Overview: Battle of Kettle Creek Video Overview: Siege of Savannah Hamilton: What Comes Next? You will have two extended constructed responses to answer after you watch these videos.

18 Review Questions Describe the Battle of Kettle Creek – who was fighting? Who won? How did this impact the war and the country? 2) Describe the Siege of Savannah – who was fighting? Who won? How did this impact the war and the country? *

19 Patriots and Loyalists Graphic Organizer
Please complete your Patriots and Loyalists Graphic Organizer and turn it in. *

20 Thursday, Oct 4: Success Starter
XX *

21 Standards Focus SS8H3 Analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolutionary Era. Explain the causes of the American Revolution as they impacted Georgia; include the French and Indian War; Proclamation of 1763; Stamp Act Interpret the three parts of the Declaration of Independence (preamble, grievances, declaration) and identify the three Georgia signers of the document. Analyze the significance of the Loyalists and Patriots as a part of Georgia’s role in the Revolutionary War; include the Battle of Kettle Creek and Siege of Savannah. Analyze the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and explain how those weaknesses led to the writing of a new federal Constitution.

22 Friday, Oct 5: Success Starter
What were three effects of the French and Indian War? What was the Proclamation of 1763? Why was it such an issue? 3. What was the Stamp Act, and how did it lead to the American Revolution? *

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