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History of Strategic Planning

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Presentation on theme: "History of Strategic Planning"— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Strategic Planning
Providing direction and outlining measurable goals 1st United growing community around public education and established district technology plan 2nd Created district vision and beliefs 3rd Added district mission, edited beliefs and created Data Dashboard 4th Evolved Graduate Profile to Learner Profile and unified district Continuous Improvement Process

2 Completed Partnered with Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) and Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement (GLISI) Gathered input Teacher/parent/school administrator/PIE and student focus groups 7,000+ online surveys Held Planning Team Meeting – BOE and Cabinet Conducted SWOT Analysis Reviewed data and stakeholder input Determined Goal Areas (1) Learning and Growing, (2) Culture and Climate, and (3) Operational Excellence and drafted Performance Objectives

3 Next Steps!
October: Hold second Planning Team Meeting Continue review of stakeholder input Review and approve Performance Objectives Determine Performance Measures Align/create initiatives November: Administrative and community review December: BOE approval January: Communicate plan

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