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Welcome Back Now, get back to work!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back Now, get back to work!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back Now, get back to work!

2 Writing Away the Cobwebs
For many of you, it has been quite some time since you wrote anything. You are going to have 3 minutes to write regarding the following prompt: What did you do over Winter Break?

3 Writing Away the Cobwebs
Now you are going to have 12 minutes to make your winter break as memorable as it wasn’t. Keep some of the elements/experiences/locations from your actual Winter Break, but add some of the following: Unicorns Vomit Zombies Lawn Gnomes Ninjas Surfing Flying Pigs $1,000,000 Dragons Tofu Clowns Vampires Make this story as enjoyable as you can. I hope to hear the best fake Winter Break stories ever written. Some volunteers will share their “Winter Breaks.”

4 The World Is Not A Pleasant Place to Be by Nikki Giovanni
The world is not a pleasant place to be without someone to hold and be held by a river would stop its flow if only a stream were there to receive it an ocean would never laugh if clouds weren't there to kiss her tears the world is not a pleasant place to be without someone

5 With Inspiration from Nikki Giovanni
We will now work together to create our own versions of “The World Is Not A Pleasant Place To Be” We will keep the first and last stanzas from Nikki Giovanni’s poem The middle stanzas will be a team effort from you and your classmates You will not know who’s stanzas are going to work together with your own You need to create 2 or 3 metaphor stanzas (3-4 lines each) Your stanzas should deal with some sort of experience or relationship on Earth With Inspiration from Nikki Giovanni Her Middle Stanzas: a river would stop its flow if only a stream were there to receive it an ocean would never laugh if clouds weren't there to kiss her tears Think Nature: Grass, Trees, Stars, Wind, Water, Dirt, Ice, Snow, etc. Write this on a sheet that you can turn in and make sure your name is on it.

6 “The Happy Man’s Shirt”
Find “The Happy Man’s Shirt” on the class website We are going to read this together

7 “The Happy Man’s Shirt”
Design a shirt that represents true and complete happiness to you. On the back, explain why you designed the shirt in the manner that you did. Remember – all assignments must be school appropriate.

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