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Mitsuru Imaizumi Space Solar Cells -- II -- SLATS

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1 Mitsuru Imaizumi Space Solar Cells -- II -- SLATS
Spacecraft Power System, Kyusyu Inst. Tech Oct. 26, 2018 Space Solar Cells -- II -- SLATS Mitsuru Imaizumi

2 Contents Operation principle and fundamentals
Radiation damage and effects Radiation degradation characteristics 4-1. Single-junction solar cell 4-2. Multi-junction solar cell

3 Contents Operation principle and fundamentals
Radiation damage and effects Radiation degradation characteristics 4-1. Single-junction solar cell 4-2. Multi-junction solar cell

4 High efficiency Si solar cell InGaP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell
Space Solar Cells Buried bypass diodes Bypass diode Inter-connector Cell size: 2×2 cm2 Size: 40mm×60mm Size: 37mm×76mm High efficiency Si solar cell InGaP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell

5 Energy band in semiconductor
Operation Principle Intrinsic N-type P-type Energy band in semiconductor

6 Operation Principle

7 Current in Solar Cell V Iph Id I + _

8 Output Characteristics Current-Voltage (I-V) characteristics
Photo- generation current (a) Under dark (b) Under light Current-Voltage (I-V) characteristics

9 Output Characteristics

10 Output Performance Parameters

11 I-V Characteristics of a 3J solar cell
Output Performance I-V Characteristics of a 3J solar cell

12 Quantum Efficiency of a high efficiency Si solar cell
Spectral Response Quantum Efficiency of a high efficiency Si solar cell

13 Equivalent Circuit of Solar Cell
Id Vd Rs = 0 Iph Rsh = ∞ V n = 1 Ish

14 Ideal Current Output of Solar Cell

15 Ideal Current Output of Solar Cell

16 Ideal Current Output of Solar Cell

17 Ideal Current/Voltage Output of Solar Cell

18 Ideal Current/Voltage Output of Solar Cell
Sun Light Sun Light

19 Spectral Response Output current estimation ×

20 Contents Operation principle and fundamentals
Radiation damage and effects Radiation degradation characteristics 4-1. Single-junction solar cell 4-2. Multi-junction solar cell

21 Radiation Damage in Solar Cell
N-region Electron Hole Light Defect High-energy particles P-region Loss Incident of high-energy particles (electrons/protons) Elastic/non-elastic collision with atoms Formation of vacancy-interstitial (Flenkel) pairs (Some defect reactions) Generation of minority-carrier recombination center(s) and majority-carrier trap(s)

22 Operation Principle

23 Radiation Degradation Minority-carrier recombination

24 Radiation Degradation Majority-carrier reduction
Before irradiation After irradiation Majority-carrier reduction

25 Radiation Damage in Solar Cell
Introduction of minority carrier recombination centers Change in minority carrier diffusion length (L) Introduction of majority carrier traps Change in majority carrier concentration (p)

26 Equivalent Circuit of Solar Cell
Rs Iph Rsh V n

27 Effect of generation current decrease

28 Effect of shunt resistance decrease

29 Effect of series resistance increase

30 Output Performance Degradation
Cell size: 2×2 cm2 Irradiation Decrease in output power Degradation trend (Pmax)

31 Degradation trend of high-efficiency Si solar cell
(a) Absolute values (b) Remaining factors Degradation trend of high-efficiency Si solar cell

32 Contents Operation principle and fundamentals
Radiation damage and effects Radiation degradation characteristics 4-1. Single-junction solar cell 4-2. Multi-junction solar cell

33 Degradation of Single-junction Solar Cell
B doped p-Si (100) base 10 Wcm (2×1015cm-3) p+-Si back surface field Ti/Pd/Ag contact Al back surface reflector Ti/Pd/Ag contacts AR coating (TiO2/Al2O3) P doped n+-Si emitter x j = 0.15 mm 50/100 mm Structure of sample solar cell

34 Degradation of Single-junction Solar Cell
(a) 10MeV protons (b) 1MeV electrons Degradation trend of high-efficiency Si solar cell

35 Degradation of Single-junction Solar Cell
Low fluence region: Gradual decrease Transition region: Anomalous increase in Isc High fluence region: Drastic decrease/ Sudden death

36 Anomalous Degradation Analysis
Short circuit current (Isc) is expressed by First stage: Reduction of L leads to a decrease in Isc. Second stage: Reduction of p leads to an increase in W and consequently an increase in Isc. Third stage: Reduction of p leads to an increase in resistivity and consequently abrupt decrease in Isc.

37 Anomalous Degradation Analysis

38 Anomalous Degradation Analysis
Experimental Results KL = 2×10-7 RC = 50 cm-1 Anomalous Degradation Analysis

39 Anomalous Degradation Analysis
KL = 2×10-7 RC = 50 cm-1

40 Contents Operation principle and fundamentals
Radiation damage and effects Radiation degradation characteristics 4-1. Single-junction solar cell 4-2. Multi-junction solar cell

41 Structure of Space Solar Cell InGaP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell

42 Degradation of Multi-junction Solar Cell Structure of 3J solar cells
InGaP top cell GaAs middle cell Ge bottom cell (substrate) Substrate 140mm Epi layers ~10mm P-electrode N-electrode ARC Structure of 3J solar cells TRIM simulation of 3MeV proton irradiation onto 3J solar cell

43 Degradation of Multi-junction Solar Cell
Degradation trend curves Energy dependence of remaining factors

44 Degradation of Sub-cells in 3J Solar Cell
The last is comparison of radiation tolerance of the three sub-cells. This is the first for such trial using the same irradiation facility and the same measurement apparatus as far as we know. Left hand side is degradation of Isc, and right hand side is that of Voc as a function of 10 MeV proton fluence. For both, InGaP top cell exhibits highest radiation tolrance, while GaAs middle cell shows the lowest. Ge bottom cell has interesting features. Isc tolerance is as low as GaAs middle cell, but Voc tolerance is as high as InGaP top cell. Isc degradation Voc degradation

45 Degradation of Sub-cells in 3J Solar Cell
InGaP top-cell GaAs middle-cell InGaAs bottom-cell Graded buffer Epi layers ~20mm The last is comparison of radiation tolerance of the three sub-cells. This is the first for such trial using the same irradiation facility and the same measurement apparatus as far as we know. Left hand side is degradation of Isc, and right hand side is that of Voc as a function of 10 MeV proton fluence. For both, InGaP top cell exhibits highest radiation tolrance, while GaAs middle cell shows the lowest. Ge bottom cell has interesting features. Isc tolerance is as low as GaAs middle cell, but Voc tolerance is as high as InGaP top cell. Thin Film IMM-3J cell

46 Degradation of Sub-cells in 3J Solar Cell
The last is comparison of radiation tolerance of the three sub-cells. This is the first for such trial using the same irradiation facility and the same measurement apparatus as far as we know. Left hand side is degradation of Isc, and right hand side is that of Voc as a function of 10 MeV proton fluence. For both, InGaP top cell exhibits highest radiation tolrance, while GaAs middle cell shows the lowest. Ge bottom cell has interesting features. Isc tolerance is as low as GaAs middle cell, but Voc tolerance is as high as InGaP top cell. Electrons Protons Isc degradation

47 Degradation of Sub-cells in 3J Solar Cell
The last is comparison of radiation tolerance of the three sub-cells. This is the first for such trial using the same irradiation facility and the same measurement apparatus as far as we know. Left hand side is degradation of Isc, and right hand side is that of Voc as a function of 10 MeV proton fluence. For both, InGaP top cell exhibits highest radiation tolrance, while GaAs middle cell shows the lowest. Ge bottom cell has interesting features. Isc tolerance is as low as GaAs middle cell, but Voc tolerance is as high as InGaP top cell. Electrons Protons Voc degradation

48 Degradation of Sub-cells in 3J Solar Cell
The last is comparison of radiation tolerance of the three sub-cells. This is the first for such trial using the same irradiation facility and the same measurement apparatus as far as we know. Left hand side is degradation of Isc, and right hand side is that of Voc as a function of 10 MeV proton fluence. For both, InGaP top cell exhibits highest radiation tolrance, while GaAs middle cell shows the lowest. Ge bottom cell has interesting features. Isc tolerance is as low as GaAs middle cell, but Voc tolerance is as high as InGaP top cell. Electrons Protons Pmax degradation

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