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America’s Business Paradise

2 Economic Development Authority Services
One-stop shop supports companies establishing operations in the Territory Provides information needed to make the right decision about expanding your business to the USVI Offers access and support, help with: Coordinates your project and site visits Facilitates the application process for tax benefits Provides ongoing company support Real estate Logistics, supply chain Government regulations Human Resources Legal, accounting requirements Financial support and incentives

3 USVI: All the Benefits of the U.S.
MIAMI 1,200 MI; 1,932 KM NEW YORK 1,500 MI; 2,415 KM PANAMA EUROPE 4,000 MI; 6,438 KM BRAZIL 2,500 MI; 4,024 KM United States Territory: U.S. Law U.S. Currency U.S. Postal Service Population: 110,000 Work force: 52,000 Total area: 219 square miles Access to key markets: 87 million Caribbean basin consumers 419 million South American consumers 478 million North American consumers The Territory’s proximity to key markets makes the U.S. Virgin Islands a strategic location for business

4 Business Location Opportunities
Modern office facilities available in Charlotte Amalie, Christiansted and Frederiksted University of the Virgin Islands Research & Technology Park Enterprise Zones Commercial Zones Opportunity Zones America’s Business Paradise

5 Robust Business Incentives
90% federal corporate income tax exemption 90% federal personal income tax exemption 100% exemption on business property taxes 100% exemption on gross receipts tax 100% exemption on excise tax Imported goods customs duty is cut to 1% No local or territorial taxes Subsidized rental space …. Oh, and you get to work in a tropical paradise

6 St. Thomas/St. John District
Benefit Periods 30 Years St. Croix District 20 Years St. Thomas/St. John District 10 Years One-Time Extension Investment greater than $10M 5 Years Investment greater than $1M

7 US Virgin Islands – 2018 Tax Rates
C Corporation US USVI Code Mirror Code Taxable Income $28.2 million Corporate Tax Rate (maximum) 21% 2.3% Corporate Tax Liability $5.9 million $649,000 Pass-Through Entity (US Citizen/VI Resident Owners) US USVI Code Mirror Code Taxable Income $7.6 million Individual Tax Rate (maximum) 37% 3.7% Tax Liability $2.8 million $281,200 The 21% to 2.3% is the effective tax rate after reduction of exemptions. There is a 10% surcharge for corporations filing taxes  in the US Virgin Islands. Below is the example for the Corporate Income Tax:               Taxable Income                                          $  28,200,000 Tax on $2.8 Mil  taxable income (21%)    $    5,900,000 USVI Corporate surcharge (10%)               $       590,000 Total tax                                                      $    6,490,000 90% reduction                                            $    5,841,000 Net tax (Effective tax rate of 2.31%)       $       649,000 A 90% exemption applies to the individual income tax liability of USVI bona-fide resident stockholders on income derived from dividends of the corporation or, for S corporation or partnership distributions. The maximum tax rate is 37% so 90% reduction results in an effective tax rate of 3.7% There are NO state, local or territorial income taxes in the US Virgin Islands

8 Join the Crowd

9 Our Team Supports Your Project

10 340-714-1700 ext.1111
America’s Business Paradise To learn more about please contact me at: ext.1111 U.S. Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority St Croix St Thomas


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