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Item 4.2 EUROMOD latest developments

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1 Item 4.2 EUROMOD latest developments
EUROMOD team Henri BUSSON Albane GOURDOL Veronica NICA

2 Outline Eurostat long-term strategy and objectives
Main results from Eurostat's investigations Issues to be addressed Financial support Key milestones and our 2019 work plan

3 Eurostat long-term strategy
2 main inputs in EM – policy rules and input microdata sets (UDB / national SILC) Deriving input datasets for EM - main country-specific task  reconstructing some or all the original variables (income components) How ? Combining the disaggregated components from the national version of the EU-SILC with the UDB Using the national SILC dataset instead of the UDB Imputing individual components of each harmonised variable

4 Eurostat long-term strategy
From 2014 onwards, harmonised benefit var disaggregated into 4 sub-components + metadata imputations more precise but quality lower than var provided directly EM results subjects to errors Main true microdata available at the level of granularity necessary for EM

5 Eurostat objectives Provide an enhanced UDB database (current UDB var + national SILC var)  avoid imputing many EM core var New EM input datasets complying with EU quality framework Standardize the input dataset process  can't avoid country-specific characteristics Put in place a new production architecture to integrate EM requirements Ensure EM users' access to the new input datasets

6 Main results from our investigations
Analysis of 8 countries in 2 stages Stage A: replication of the existing EM process Learning-by-doing process on 7 countries Small variability among countries Sometimes complex data handling Stage B: improvements of EU-SILC data to integrate EM requirements Run another EU-SILC database than UDB  use for imputation methods, disaggregated variables Findings: replacement of EM imputed var with real value Findings: imputations needed to reach the required detailed level for the income components

7 Main results from our investigations
Stage B: improvements of EU-SILC data to integrate EM requirements Create a test input data file by replacing imputed values with true value from national SILC Understand national income scheme (from metadata and disaggregated income benefits var) In-depth analyse national SILC questionnaires Contact NSIs to receive their national data (thank you for your collaboration) (Run EM software to check the results on both collection channels)

8 Two mains issues to be addressed
Quality of the new input file Input file based on an enhanced UDB = current UDB + national var + PDB Ensure compliance with the ESS quality framework Access to the microdata to the community of EM users EM internalisation  same offer as it's today Input file based on an enriched UDB  dissemination of microdata at stake 3 solutions to deal with in-depth and to discuss (in June 2019 WG ?)

9 Financial support Help MS in their capacity building Topics covered
Further work on income components (better categorization, classification, more detailed) Guarantee the quality of the new provided data (national var) IT development to include the new data in the EU-SILC data collection Single opportunity to get financial help  apply even if your country is not yet transferred (Estat could help for the topics) Reminder – 11 countries being transferred in ES, LV, FI, BE, BG, IE, IT, CY, HU, MT, PL

10 Key milestones

11 Member States are asked to
Support our strategy and take note of the work carried out on the first 8 countries Provide upon request relevant national var. together with useful documentation in EN or national language, at this stage for analysis and testing Continue sending relevant metadata for disaggregated benefits Reflect on work which could be performed with financial supports in order to be operational by the end 2020

12 Translation in the legal basis ?

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