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Formatted Narrative only Review, Check, & Update

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Presentation on theme: "Formatted Narrative only Review, Check, & Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formatted Narrative only Review, Check, & Update
Friday, September 28 Formatted Narrative only Review, Check, & Update

2 Please Continue To Type Your Paper
Once you are finished Typing your paper Print 1 copy You have to print the Formatted Narrative Per Ms. Davila

3 Microsoft Word Document (.docx)
Types of File Formats Microsoft Word Document (.docx) Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx) Excel 2016 PowerPoint 2016

4 Word 2016 to Adobe Acrobat PDF File (.pdf)

5 File Folders

6 Agreement First Name.docx
Agreement File Folder Agreement First Name.docx Agreement Document needs to be edited and have your name in the blanks Todays Date on the bottom Your first and last name typed on the printed name line You need to save as a PDF file in your Agreement Folder

7 Agreement First Name.docx Agreement First Name.pdf
Agreement File Folder Agreement First Name.docx Agreement First Name.pdf

8 Digital Citizen File Folder
Copyright Notes First Name.docx Copyright Notes First Name.pdf Pop Quiz.pptx

9 DreamBox File Folder Dreambox Account First Name .pptx
Your PowerPoint needs to contain your username and password.

10 Edmodo Account First Name.pptx
Edmodo File Folder Edmodo Account First Name.pptx Your PowerPoint needs to contain your username and password

11 Tutorial First Name.xlsx
Excel File Folder Excel First Name.xlsx Tutorial First Name.xlsx

12 Gmail File Folder Gmail Username.pptx

13 Word File Folder Formatted Narrative First Name.docx
Thank you Card First Name.docx Thank you Cards P # First Name.docx

14 Word File Folder Formatted Narrative First Name.docx
Thank you Card First Name.docx Thank you Cards P # First Name.docx Tour Review First Name.docx Tour Summary First Name.docx

15 File Folders Your Named File Folder Agreement Folder
Digital Citizen Folder DreamBox Folder Edmodo Folder Excel Folder Gmail Folder Word Folder File Folders


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