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Welcome to Year 1 2018/19
Miss Bennison, Miss Gravili Mrs Maguire-Dorr and Mrs Woof
The Team Miss Bennison, Miss Gravili Mrs Maguire-Dorr and Mrs Woof
Vision for the year For everyone to: enjoy their learning.
achieve the very best that they can. become independent and confident learners.
Reading and Literacy Home diaries and reading books to be brought in daily. Reading books will be changed when diaries have been signed or when a member of the team feels necessary – reading is so important for children. Literacy taught daily through our story. Guided reading groups with Mrs Woof. Individual reading throughout the week. Each child will have personal targets for Literacy and Numeracy.
Timetable Daily Phonics, Literacy, Numeracy and Continuous Provision (Independent Learning). Computing, Science, History, Geography and Art taught weekly through our topic. Outdoor learning accessible throughout the day, again linked to our topic. RE taught 3 times a week. PE (fundamental skills, gymnastics, dance and games) throughout the week with main class on Thursdays.
Positive Attitude to Learning
Every child to have Super Learning Super Powers (a can do attitude) which is present throughout the whole school. Our class motto in Year 1 is: “We always try our best”
End of year expectations
Literacy For children to enjoy their reading and writing. To write independently in full sentences with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, using their own ideas. Maths For children to enjoy and understand working with number and be confident mathematicians and problem solvers.
Homework Reading (10 minutes every night!)
Sumdog (10 minutes every night!) The Passwords will be sent home in your home diary (Oct half term). Homework will be within the Home Diaries as it was in Reception. This will be given out on Tuesdays, to be handed in by the following Monday, the homework will have phonics and another piece. Homework Diaries
School website and Home learning
Our Learning links on the year 1 page are a safe way for your children to independently use the internet for learning purposes. Pictures will be uploaded when a topic is complete. Twitter. Sumdog (maths and reading) challenges and competitions will be set throughout the year as a whole school challenge or a class challenge.
Behaviour Expectations and consequences
Pupils are expected to follow the class rules at all times and the Golden Rules of the school. Rewards Green slips – Going for Gold!!! House points Stickers Golden assembly Dojo points Treat box Consequences Class behaviour display Yellow/red slips – Mrs Wood
Safeguarding End of day routine in Year 1
Children are dismissed by their teachers to known adult (pink end of day forms). Afterschool club collect children from class. Club leaders collect from class. Inform school if someone else is picking up your child.
Online Safety Taught throughout the year and revisited regularly
in computing and PSHE. We follow the SMART e-saftey rules In Year 1 our focus is on the use of age appropriate websites not sharing personal information online knowing what to do if something worries or upsets them online
If you have an issue or concern please remember we are always here!
And Finally... If you have an issue or concern please remember we are always here!
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