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Wildlife Fundamentals

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Presentation on theme: "Wildlife Fundamentals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wildlife Fundamentals
Approaches to Wildlife Management: 1) Preservation (“hands off”) 2) Conservation (“use wisely”) 3) Management (“manipulate”)

2 Wildlife Fundamentals
Goals of management: 1) population increase 2) population decrease 3) maintain population 4) harvest population on sustained yield basis

3 “Land” to Manage 2.3 billion acres in U.S.
741 million acres in public ownership - 336 MA = BLM - 189 MA = USFS - 86 MA = USFWS - 68 MA = NPS - 13 MA = U.S. Army

4 Review of Wildlife Fundamentals


6 Wildlife Fundamentals
Single-species vs. Ecosystem Mgt Coarse-filter vs. Fine-filter adaptive resource management: given current scientific understanding, 1) implement mgt. strategy, but 2) monitor effects and adjust


8 Determine Goals & Desires of Public Understand Function & Operation of Nat. Syst. Set Mgt Goals Form Mgt Plan Consider Politics Manipulate Species or Population Habitat Evaluate Mgt Practices Increase, Decrease, Stabilize Pop

9 Habitat

10 Habitat Quality



13 Habitat Habitat from an evolutionary perspective
Species distribution relative to habitat dist’n Climatic events Pleistocene Epoch & dist’n of modern species Evolutionary underpinnings Adaptation & Evolution for habitat


15 Concept of Habitat Selection
Wildlife perceiving correct configuration of habitat needed for survival – differences based on age/experience/chance? – hierarchy to decision process Niche concept (time/place/functional role) & habitat selection

16 Hutchison’s n-dimensional hypervolume

17 Testing the Hutchinsonian Niche Concept of Habitat Selection
James – work with birds in Arkansas…quantified habitat relationships How do birds select habitat? niche gestalt :

18 Scale Dependence of Habitat Selection Orders of Selection Macrohabitat vs. Microhabitat

19 Proximate Factors vs. Ultimate Factors
Habitat Selection Proximate Factors vs Ultimate Factors


21 habitat interspersion –
Leopold’s Law of Interspersion

22 Managing for Biodiversity
Paradigm of Wildlife Biology & Conservation Biology

23 Human-induced “heterogeneity”

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