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Lathrop Intermediate School Behavior Expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Lathrop Intermediate School Behavior Expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lathrop Intermediate School Behavior Expectations

2 Video: Lathrop School-wide Behavior Expectations
Respect Responsibility Safety

3 What Does It Look Like? Work in pairs or small groups to discuss what it looks like to be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE in the following areas of school: Your classrooms/library The hallways/offices The lunch area/bathrooms The locker room and field Be prepared to share your ideas with the class. Respect Responsibility Safety

4 What Doesn’t It Look Like?
Now that we have a pretty good idea what being respectful, responsible, and safe look like at Lathrop, what are some examples of what it doesn’t look like? Respect Responsibility Safety

5 Let’s Make a Commitment
Think about how you want our school to be. How can we each make it better? Make a commitment to do ONE thing differently to meet our school-wide expectations. Write down your commitment and share it with your partner or small group. Respect Responsibility Safety

6 We Can Do It, Spartans! Respect Responsibility Safety

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