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Superlatives big Thumbelina Vicky biggest bigger.

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1 superlatives big Thumbelina Vicky biggest bigger


3 Form ATTENTION: We normally use “the” before a superlative
The superlatives form is -est or most 1)cheap the cheapest 2)expensive the most expensive 3)early the earliest 4)slowly the most slowly 5) old the oldest/eldest ATTENTION: We normally use “the” before a superlative

4 preposition 1.after superlatives we use “in”with places(towns, buildings) What is the highest mountain in the world? 2.we use “in” for organisation and groups of people(a class/team/company) Who is in the class? 3.we normally use "of“ for a period of time Summer is the hottest season of the year.

5 Mr. Li 肥肥-沈殿霞 Mr. Wang heavy heavier the heaviest 100kg 180kg 220kg
Miss Shen is heavy. Mr. Wang is heavier. Mr. Li is the heaviest of the three .

6 Irregular forms of superlatives
good→ → bad → → many → → little → → better best Irregular forms of superlatives worse worst more most less least well→ → badly→ → much→ → far→ → better best worse worst more most farthest farther

7 Thank you!

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