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Psoriatic arthritis imaging

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Presentation on theme: "Psoriatic arthritis imaging"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psoriatic arthritis imaging
Dr Tazeen Ahmed Consultant Rheumatologist Croydon Health Services

2 Hands

3 More Hands 63 F

4 More Hands- closer

5 US hand

6 US Hand

7 MRI hands

8 Right hand sagital fat sat fluid sensitive sequence – marrow fat should be black: Seronegative fingers ring,middle and index – marrow fat should also be low signal but note whole bone of middle phalanges and distal phalanges are edematous not just the periarticular bone.

9 Left hand same pt seronegative.
T1 sequence - marrow should be white as fat is high T1 signal – note dark prox phalanx index finger. Fat Sat sequence same hand: note bright prox phalanx of index finger because edematous

10 Psoriatic arthritis imaging
X-Ray reports can be misleading Difficult to tell the difference between PsA and OA on imaging alone US can distinguish from RA and also OA- but there are overlaps MRI will show bony changes such as osteitis that are not seen on X-ray or US NSAIDs will affect US changes, so please omit for a few days before the scan.

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