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APERC Workshop at EWG47 19 May 2014, Kunming, China [Agenda]

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Presentation on theme: "APERC Workshop at EWG47 19 May 2014, Kunming, China [Agenda]"— Presentation transcript:

1 APERC Workshop at EWG47 19 May 2014, Kunming, China [Agenda]
 [Agenda] Opening Remarks Toward APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 6th Edition Peer Review on Low Carbon Energy Policies (PRLCE) in Malaysia Oil and Gas Emergency Exercises Introduction Joint Southeast Asian Exercise Indonesian Exercise Major Challenges to Oil and Gas Security in the APEC Region Possible Future Activities for Oil and Gas Security in APEC Proposal of APEC Oil and Gas Security Initiative (OGSI) - Closing Remarks

2 APERC Workshop at EWG47, Kunming, China
19 May 2014 Opening Remarks Takato OJIMI President, APERC

3 APERC Workshop at EWG47 19 May 2014, Kunming, China [Agenda]
 [Agenda] Opening Remarks Toward APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 6th Edition Peer Review on Low Carbon Energy Policies (PRLCE) in Malaysia Oil and Gas Emergency Exercises Introduction Joint Southeast Asian Exercise Indonesian Exercise Major Challenges to Oil and Gas Security in the APEC Region Possible Future Activities for Oil and Gas Security in APEC Proposal of APEC Oil and Gas Security Initiative (OGSI) - Closing Remarks

4 APERC Workshop at EWG47, Kunming, China
19 May 2014 Closing Remarks Takato OJIMI President, APERC

5 APERC Workshop at EWG47, Kunming, China Thank you for attending
19 May 2014 Thank you for attending our workshop !

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