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Sex linked inheritance

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1 Sex linked inheritance

2 Human Genome Autosomes (1 – 22) Sex Chromosomes (X and Y)

3 X Y


5 Haemophilia X-linked recessive inheritance
causes people to continue bleeding for a long time unless treated

6 Haemophilia



9 Colour blindness: Alleles: X+ = normal vision, Xc = colour blind
(X+ is dominant) phenotypes female genotypes male genotypes normal X+ X+ X+ Y colour blind Xc Xc Xc Y carrier* X+ Xc * carrier - transmits but does not express a trait

10 Carrier female Xc Xc X+Xc XcY X+ Y Female’s gametes Male’s gametes
Colorblind male X+ Male’s gametes Y

11 Affected individuals female male carrier ? Unknown phenotype progeny

12 GENERATIONS Generations are numbered w/Roman numerals. Within each generation, individuals are numbered from oldest to youngest.

13 Baldness

14 Fragile X Syndrome Fragile X syndrome (or Marker X syndrome ) is a genetic condition involving changes in the long arm of the X chromosome. It is characterized by mental retardation.

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