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Ruby Bejarano Friendship Church Cheerleading Work

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1 Ruby Bejarano Friendship Church Cheerleading Work
Goals/Values: Being comfortable communicating with others &returning the favor Genres: , letters, social networking sites, text Conventions: Be loyal, honest, &yourself Writer’s Tasks/Roles: Communicate as often with those that you care for; gain&maintain trust amongst each other Church Cheerleading Goals/Values: Feeling of being united with those who share interests&beliefs Genres: Flyers, letters, bulletins, Bibles Conventions: Be open minded&respectful, Follow rules (Ex: Commandments, no gum, etc.) Writer’s Tasks/Roles: Provide info, persuade, initiate excitement within community Goals/Values: Working together to motivate your team; perform to the utmost of your abilities Genres: Flyers, s, text, posters Conventions: Treat your squad with respect, ALWAYS be there to catch your teammate in all aspects&SMILE(: Writer’s Tasks/Roles: Cheering your team on by motivating them Ruby Bejarano Work Goals/Values: Manage a reliable business&make clients happy Genres: Invoices, statements, s, business cards Conventions: Maintain a professional relationship, be respectful, courteous Writer’s Tasks/Roles: Send out information necessary for particular jobs

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