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There are 3 parts to a well‐structured presentation:

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Presentation on theme: "There are 3 parts to a well‐structured presentation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 There are 3 parts to a well‐structured presentation:
1. Start with a real-life situation 2. Develop a knowledge question from this (KQ) 3. Explore the KQ through inquiry Parts 1 and 2 should be covered fairly quickly. Part 3 should make up the bulk of the presentation.

2 Link back to original RLS
Real Life Situation Knowledge Question DEVELOPMENT 2 AOK Claim Counterclaim RLS Mini-conclusion DEVELOPMENT 1 AOK Claim Counterclaim RLS Mini-conclusion Conclusion Link back to original RLS

3 Where does my final grade come from?
PT x 2 = 20 Presentation x 1 = 10

4 TOK Presentation Structure
Other RLS Real Life Situation Other RLS Application “Real” World TOK World Knowledge Issue(s) (recognized) Knowledge Issue(s) (developed) extraction progression

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