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Making statistical systems responsive to Globalisation

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1 Making statistical systems responsive to Globalisation
Labour Mobility Matthias Till Directorate Social Statistics Geneva June 17th, 2015 Making statistical systems responsive to Globalisation

2 Labour Mobility implies coordination
Between countries Common standard language Comparable measurement and data production Data exchange (e.g. mirror statistics) Participation in ILO Working Group on Labour Migration Accross statistical areas National Accounts (labour input) Trade Statistics (modes of supply) Social Statistics (migration, labour force) Enterprise and Tourism Statistics (business travels) Promoting MSITS Compiler‘s Guide

3 Can NSOs answer ? Simple questions
how many workers move into the territory? how long do they stay? in what industries do they work? what are their wages and working hours? Complex questions How do foreign workers alter productivity? How do their remittances change Balance of Payments? What is the labour market impact of Trade in Services?

4 From Cloud to Common Language
Work Activity producing goods or services Migration Change of usual residence Non migrant foreign workers Business travel, seasonal/frontier work GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services Mode 4 of Service Supply Involves movement of persons, posting of workers

5 Relevant international statistical systems
SNA2008 System of National Accounts BPM6 Balance of Payments Manual RSIM 1998 Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration IRTS 2008 International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics MSITS 2010 Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services

6 Answers suffer from „Demography Bias“
Resident population Migrants Austria: 1/3 of migrants stay short term ( months) (stays >3 or > 12 months) Labour Mobility irregular Frontier/seasonal Workers Labour migrants Non-migrant foreign workers Supply of services

7 Illustration: ECB-construction site, 5/2012
1 main contractor (out of several) Employed only 25 construction workers ~20 transnational service - subcontractors ~1 000 workers ~ratio: 3 posted on 1 native (source: Wagner & Lillie 2014, p410) Employer and Employee are non resident! How to capture in national labour/enterprise statistics?

8 Looking ahead for action
Improving international comparability and coordination Enhancing accessability of existing information Filling data gaps Production of International Labour Mobility Statistics (UNECE-CES Task Force) Complementary work on standardisation (ILO Working Group, technical seminars including users)

9 Questions for Discussion
What LM indicators are required by what users? movements of persons in GATS mode 4 service supply (WTO) Labour input (National Accounts) Remittances (Balance of Payments) Decent Work (ILO) How can LM classifications be consolidated? What role can ILO Working Group play? Classifications and methods for irregular labour mobility (IOM, ILO) Harmonisation of data from coordination of social security systems What are best practices to improve LM coverage? Network of correspondents providing permit statistics (OECD) Integration of migration data from different sources (UNECE-CES TF) mirror statistics (UNECE clearinghouse) & Ex-post harmonisation (Eurostat) How can more detailed characteristics be obtained? industry, wages (in Business Travel Surveys) duration in workplaces abroad (in Structure of Earnings Surveys) employment (in migration statistics) and migration history (in LFS) potential for sectorial approaches (e.g. agency workers, construction)

10 Thank you for your attention!
Please address queries to: Matthias Till Contact information: Guglgasse 13, 1110 Vienna phone: +43 (1)

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