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Online submission of the CCFS-320 Report

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1 Online submission of the CCFS-320 Report
Surfing the CCFS-320 Web OR Introduction: It’s great to be hear at CASBO. I’m sure that I’ve talked to most of you on the phone over the years, but it’s great to talk you to you in person. Thanks for this great opportunity to present to to you the current status of a very important project. THE REVISION OF THE ELECTRONIC CCFS-311! We have a lot of new things to show you for this year’s CCFS-311 report…but before we show you the new things, let me review with you what the CCFS-311 collects and what it is used for. Feel free to jump in with questions at any time Online submission of the CCFS-320 Report

Introduction – CCFS-320 General Overview The CCFS-320 includes reporting of student contact hours and FTES, which is one of the workload measures used for the allocation of general apportionment. Submitted three times a year by districts and is due January 15 (First Period Report), April 30 (Second Period Report), and July 15 (Annual Report). Corrected Annual Report due November 1 (due Oct. 1 for Lottery purposes) Required by EC Section and CCR Section First, the CCFS-311 is a multi-purpose report that is required by CCR Section It is the single most comprehensive fiscal data gathering document completed by the districts. The report is submitted annually by the districts and is due by September 30. This is important to point out, since last year two CCFS-311’s were very, very late and thus prevented us from completing the Nonresident Tuition fee worksheet on time.

3 CCFS-320 General Overview (Continued)
The report includes college specific data and consist of eight major parts displaying: Credit and Noncredit FTES for Summer Intersessions and Primary Terms. Includes Breakout of FTES in Basic Skills Courses and FTES in Leased Facilites. Student contact hours of Weekly/Daily Census Procedure Courses. Including courses of Independent Study & Work Experience Education. Student Contact Hours of Actual attendance procedure Courses (Positive Attendance) FTES Annualizer and Term Length Multiplier

4 Submitting the CCFS-320 Originally, paper reports sent to CCCCO and keyed into a database. Currently Excel macro program allows districts to key into a spreadsheet. Beginning with First Period Report due January 15, 2003, database program that will run via the internet. The second part of the report collects supplemental fiscal information for the just ended fiscal year that is required by State Statute, Regulation and/or Data Collection requirements for the preparation of special fiscal reports such as the annual Fiscal Data Abstract… this additional data includes: Information for reporting Gann Appropriation limit information to the Dept. of Finance pursuant to Constitutional requirements. Auditors test your calculations Staying under the Gann Limit hasn’t been a problem for most districts, in fact Statewide, CCC are 33.7% below their appropriation limit. The Analysis of Net Ending Balance which provides information on Board designated and legally restricted amounts within the Net Ending Balance. The Analysis of Compliance with the 50% Law (WE ALL KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THIS PAGE IS!, DON’T WE). These Calculations are also tested by the Auditors. Four districts reported being below 50% for Fiscal Year The Detail of General Fund Revenues: This report is critical since the property tax revenue reported is used for the recalculation of apportionments. Therefore, accuracy in this area is imperative! General Fund Expenditures by Activity And the Receipt and Expenditures of Lottery Proceeds, which is used to report to the Governor and Legislature.

5 Online Database Highlights:
Program resides on CCCCO server. District uses a small client program to connect and start the main program. Screens are password protected and data files encrypted. Advantages – speed of entry, instant submittal, ease of program updates, data integrity. Online Database Highlights: The program requires two pieces – the server or main program, and the client program which makes the internet connection and starts the main program at the Chancellor’s Office. Password protection for the programs, each district has one. The data files are encrypted. Fiscal Services at the Chancellor’s Office will have another program that will summarize the statewide data, produce reports, and transfer the data to the apportionment process. This program will also allow Fiscal Services to unlock a district file if necessary. Some of the advantages of the new Web based program are that once users get used to the interface, it should be quicker to enter and submit data via the new program. It will be much easier to update the program since it will be in one place.

6 Current Status and Future Plans
Web based CCFS-320 in Beta testing. Pilot district testing just completed. System-wide test to take place concurrently with the Annual CCFS-320 Report due July 15. Additional information to be provided soon. Your involvement is critical! Similar technology being used for Annual Financial and Budget Report, CCFS-311. Web-based report would incorporate reporting form CCFS-321, which is used to report hours of instruction for apprentices enrolled in courses of related and supplemental instruction. Although the report is not final, there are several anticipated changes to the CCFS-320 Report for Fiscal Year It’s also important to let you know we just completed a very successful pilot test with the new web-based report involving 9 community college districts. We included multi-college districts, single-college districts, and a quarter-system district. The districts were asked to recreate First Period and Annual Reports using the web-based I’m happy to report that all of the testers provided very helpful suggestions for improvement and even caught a few items that needed corrections. The assistance of all districts in the development and testing of this new program is critical to its success. That is why we plan on conducting a system-wide test sometime in August. The purpose of this test is to assess connectivity with the Server program in the Chancellor’s Office. This is one area that appears to still have some bugs, but we are confident that we can resolve the problems with the assistance of all of the districts. I am very excited about this conversion because it will mean we won’t have to work with those dreaded Excel forms anymore. No more Excel macro-errors, No more files to FTP. We’ve appreciated your patience with an application that sometimes could be very tempermental. Like I said, we are very excited about this change and to tell you more about it, Here’s Buster Sano. Thanks for your time!

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