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Getting the most out of interactive and developmental data

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1 Getting the most out of interactive and developmental data
Daniel Messinger 5.2001

2 Basics Know your phenomena Know your data
Watch the tapes Know your data Look at descriptives and frequencies Look for patterns that you can see in individuals or dyads Not just in the group as a whole

3 Topics Types of codes and coding
Frequency, duration, and combined approaches Agreement and reliability Measures of association between two behaviors Development

4 Coding Types of codes Type of coding Agreement/Reliability
Objective vs. socially recognizable Type of coding Frequency, duration, combined approaches Agreement/Reliability Percent agreement, Cohen’s Kappa, intra-class correlation

5 Types of codes Objectively describable codes
E.g., Facial Action Coding System Socially recognizable codes E.g., Emotionally positive moments Measurement and analysis more geared to objectively describable but there is no qualitative difference between different types of codes

6 Type of coding Duration Frequency Combined approaches
Agreement/Reliability Agreeing on what we saw

7 Agreeing on what we saw Agreement Reliability
Whether same thing was observed at the same time The focus of percent agreement and Kappa Reliability Did we see the same number of things in a given interactive period Summary measure of codes over session It all depends on the research question

8 Duration How long does behavior last Code onsets and offsets
E.g., Total time smiling Code onsets and offsets Smile begins, smile ends Or exclusive categories Smile, neutral, smile

9 Duration

10 Agreement on duration Agreement = Total duration of time both coders indicated same event was occurring Disagreement = Total duration of time coders indicated different events were occurring Its ok to collapse codes

11 Duration agreement statistics
Proportion agreement Agreement / (Agreement + Disagreement) Observed agreement Cohen’s Kappa = (Observed agreement – Expected agreement) / (1 – Expected agreement) Expected agreement = Sum of product of marginals Bakeman & Gottman

12 Frequency How often does behavior occur
Code onsets only Always express as onsets per unit of time E.g., number of smiles per minute You can calculate frequencies from duration codes Just count the onsets But onset and offset coding is more difficult E.g., vocalizations

13 Frequency

14 Frequency agreement Percent agreement
Number of times the same code is recorded by independent coders within a given time window (e.g., 2 seconds) Divided by one half the total number of codes No Kappa for frequency There is no expected measure of agreement

15 Frequency and Duration: Pros and cons
Duration is a relatively stable measure of what’s going on But not how they occurred E..g., Total gazing at mother Frequency tells you about discrete activities But not how long they lasted E.g., number of speech acts Mixed approaches

16 Mixed approaches Duration of smiling in a given period of interaction initiated by infant Duration in that it’s a total time measure But frequency in that its onset of infant action Calculate both types of agreement

17 Reliability (intra-class correlation)
Summary measure of codes over session Variance attributable to differences between subjects expressed as a proportion of all variance Including variance between coders – want to minimize Type of ANOVA Better than a simple correlation

18 Measures of association between two behaviors
Group level analysis Individual level analysis Duration and frequency approaches

19 Example Infant gaze direction Mother smile Coded continuously in time
At mother’s face or away Mother smile Yes or no Coded continuously in time

20 SPSS (10.0) VALUE LABELS m12 1.00000000000000 "Mother Not Smiling"
"Mother Smiling"

21 General duration variable
create /leadweeK=lead(week 1) /LEADSECs=LEAD(SECS 1). EXECUTE. IF (week=leadweek) Duration=LEADSECS-SECS. IF SYSMIS(DUR) DUR=0.

22 Analysis of entire group
Weight by duration, then . . .

23 Analysis of entire group
Doesn’t tell you if any given infant/dyad shows the association Or the strength of association for a given infant/dyad Use when necessary E.g. small amounts of data for individual infants/dyads

24 Analysis of individuals
Determine frequency and duration of variables for whole group Then aggregate By subject/participant for general analysis By time period for developmental analyses Construct variables Analysis

25 Specific variable duration
How much time do infants spend gazing at mother And away from mother How much time do mothers spend smiling And not smiling

26 Specific variable duration
IF (infgaze=1) infgazeM=Duration. IF (infgaze=2) infgazeA=Duration. IF (momsmile=1) M1=Duration. IF (momsmile=2) M2=Duration. Execute.

27 Duration of two co-occurring behaviors
How long do infants gaze at mother when she is smiling?

28 Duration of two co-occurring behaviors
IF (infgaze=1 & momsmile=1) GMM1=Duration. IF (infgaze=1 & momsmile=2) GMM2=Duration. IF (infgaze=2 & momsmile=1) GAM1=Duration. IF (infgaze=2 & momsmile=2) GAM2=Duration. EXECUTE.

29 Combined duration and frequency approach
Duration of two co-occurring behaviors given that one has just occurred How long do infants gaze at smiling mother having just gazed at her Not when they were gazing and she smiled Attention: The following technique assumes a dataset created so that only the variables of interest (in this case, two variables of interest) exist and that cases (rows) exist only when one of these variables changes (or there is a new session).

30 Combined duration and frequency approach
CREATE /momsml_1=LAG(momsml 1) /infgaz_1=LAG(infgaz 1). IF (infgaz=2 & infgaz_1~=2 & momsml=2) GAM2F=duration. IF (infgaz=1 & infgaz_1~=1 & momsml=2) GMM2F=duration. IF (infgaz=2 & infgaz_1~=2 & momsml=1) GAM1F=duration. IF (infgaz=1 & infgaz_1~=1 & momsml=1) GMM1F=duration. EXECUTE.

31 Aggregate: Summarizing data for analysis
Aggregate over subject for overall effects Aggregate over subject and time period for developmental analyses

32 Aggregate creates new variables

33 Summarizes over time-linked cases
Summary measures Number of cases for frequency Sum of values for duration

/ infgazm2= N(infgazem) /infgaza2 = N(infgazea) /gmm1_3 = SUM(gmm1) /gmm2_3 = SUM(gmm2) /gam1_3 = SUM(gam1) /gam2_3 = SUM(gam2) /gam2f_2 = N(gam2f) /gmm2f_2 = N(gmm2f) /gam1f_2 = N(gam1f) /gmm1f_2 = N(gmm1f) /gam2f_3 = SUM(gam2f) /gmm2f_3 = SUM(gmm2f) /gam1f_3 = SUM(gam1f) /gmm1f_3 = SUM(gmm1f).

35 Voile’

36 Constructing variables
New duration and frequency dependent measures are calculated per subject in new file Same dependent measures will be calculated per time period within subject (in a different file) for developmental analyses

37 Creating durational proportions
COMPUTE GMM2P=Gmm2_3/M2_3. Note: M2_3 (total time mother is smiling) can be created during aggregation or computed as = GMM2_3+GAM2_3. Number of seconds of gazing at mother while mother is smiling divided by total time gazing at mother Do the same for gazes at mother while mother is not smiling These variables are calculated for each subject in new aggregated file

38 Analyses, finally

39 Results Look at results subject by subject by graphing


41 Duration and frequency
Can tell you the same thing about an interaction Or different things

42 Creating frequency per minute
Example: COMPUTE GAM2PM= (GAM2F_2/M2_3)*60. This is calculated for each subject in new aggregated file Number of gazes away while mother is smiling divided by total time mother is smiling per minute Do the same for gazes away while mother is not smiling



45 Duration and frequency together
Infant gazes at mother, mother smiles, infant then gazes away Combined (frequency and duration) approach might have shed light on this directly

46 Development – Conceptual
How do individuals change over time? Unit of analysis is individuals (or individual dyads) - singoli Can developmental effects be seen in each individual’s data? Or in a significant proportion of each individual’s data? Keep it simple General trends preferred over particular periods Linear versus curvilinear effects

47 Development - Practical
Choices for developmental analyses Hierarchical linear modeling Individual growth (Linear and curvilinear models) T-tests, binomial tests, Graph individual and group data

48 Development - How to Go back to the original file
Create a case for every week Or other age category E.g.: AGGREGATE /OUTFILE=* /BREAK=newsub WEEK / infgazm2= N(infgazem) /infgaza2 = N(infgazea) / etc.

49 Voile’ - Development Each case now summarizes the variables of interest for a given age period for a given subject Create summary proportional duration and frequency per minute variables as before

50 Individual growth modeling
Conduct developmental analyses within individuals Regression analyses (within individuals) Typically linear effects

51 Analysis by individual

52 Analysis techniques Is mean slope different from 0
T-test Data can be copied from regression output to make a new developmental data file

53 Graphing and binomial tests
Do a significant proportion of subjects show an increase (or decrease) with age? Binomial test (Hays) Consistency within variability

54 Consistency across individuals

55 Hierarchical linear modeling
Age is nested within individual Calculates “mean” slope for group T-test Estimates variability around that mean Chi-square Assumes normal distribution of slope parameters Should have many subjects Level 2 units

56 Specialized programs – WHLM
Ask for OLE output for each subject Need to get your data into the program. Can be tricky

57 Table: Gaze away

58 Review Types of codes and coding
Frequency, duration, and combined approaches Agreement and reliability Measures of association between two behaviors Complete picture may involve both duration and frequency (or combined approaches) Development Occurs and should be studied as it occurs in individuals (or individual dyads)

59 Duchenne Smiles (M = 20.95%) Non-Duchenne Smiles (M = 39.29%)
59.8% 46.3% 53.7% 40.3% 22.7% 30.2% 27.5% 20.5% Non-Duchenne Smiles (M = 39.29%) 72.5% 69.8% Non-Smiles (M = 39.76%) 77.3% 79.5%

60 Transitional probabilities
Likelihood of one behavior following another Typically within a modality of actiojn One code following another within a category

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