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Withholding gonadotropins (“coasting”) to minimize the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation during superovulation and in vitro fertilization–embryo transfer.

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Presentation on theme: "Withholding gonadotropins (“coasting”) to minimize the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation during superovulation and in vitro fertilization–embryo transfer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Withholding gonadotropins (“coasting”) to minimize the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation during superovulation and in vitro fertilization–embryo transfer cycles  Margo R Fluker, M.D., Wendy M Hooper, M.D., A.Albert Yuzpe, M.D.  Fertility and Sterility  Volume 71, Issue 2, Pages (February 1999) DOI: /S (98)

2 FIGURE 1 Mean ± SE E2 and LH concentrations before and during the coasting period in superovulation cycles. Mean LH levels rose spontaneously just before the coasting period, coinciding with the rapid rise in E2 concentrations. The line with open circles represents LH concentrations, whereas the line with solid squares represents E2 concentrations. Fertility and Sterility  , DOI: ( /S (98) )

3 FIGURE 2 Characteristics of representative IVF-ET cycles in which coasting was used to restrain rapidly rising E2 levels in two patient subgroups: (A) after the attainment of follicular maturity (group 2A) and (B) before reaching follicular maturity (group 2B). Conception occurred in both cycles. Fertility and Sterility  , DOI: ( /S (98) )

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