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The Arc Families Connected

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1 The Arc Families Connected
Supporting Families with Children with Developmental Disabilities Living in Lane County

2 The Arc Families Connected
1 of 10 family networks in Oregon Member of the Oregon Consortium of Family Networks (OCFN) Each network is its own independent, family-led organization working in collaboration with community partners to build sustainable futures for families “The guiding philosophy behind family networks is that parents of children with disabilities connecting with other parents in the same situation can share a vision of possibility, and help each other find strength, break the cycle of loneliness and isolation for each other, and in turn, for their children, in a unique way that only a parent can.” – Patrice Botsford, Director, DHS Developmental Disabilities Program

3 The What? Peer networking between families
Funded by DHS and supported by OCDD for 3 purposes: Connect families with each other so they feel less alone Help families value full inclusion and high expectations in their local community Help local communities better welcome and support families experiencing disability Committed to shared values

4 Shared Values Disability is one of many types of human diversity.
Families with high expectations for their children raise adults with high expectations. All families have strengths and valuable experiences. Peer support is sustainable, empowers families and changes lives. Empowered families strengthen communities. The role of service systems is to complement the support that exists in community.

5 The Why? Trajectory “I had specialists, I had therapists, I had family… I just needed another mom!” Full Life in Community The common story we hear from families is that even when formal services are available, they crave connection with other families walking a similar path. Peer support based on shared values and high expectations provides opportunities for families to find this connection while developing greater vision for their and their children’s futures. Sometimes we need support, not only to get through a tough day, but also to imagine there is going to be a better tomorrow. Connection Empowerment Vision

6 The How? Collective Impact Families Community Systems Parents Siblings
Friends Neighbors Advocacy Organizations YMCA Church Doctors First Responders Parks & Rec Movie Theaters Grocery Stores Gyms Airlines Systems The role of family networks is to act as a bridge in communities. Meaningful support for families comes from the whole community, and that means formal systems, “natural” community resources, and connection with other families. Family Networks help to facilitate all of these connections. Also – reciprocal relationships – we spend so much time telling families they are recipients of services and supports. Only being on the receiving end is not empowering – we also help families see that communities are stronger when all parts of the community give and take. DHS ODE EI/ECSE CCOs

7 Does it Work? Research shows the future families envision for their children are changing, and Family Networks are coming along families to support that path.

8 How We Serve Families Parent to Parent Mentoring
Monthly Family Fun Events Monthly Trainings Disability is Natural Presentations Accessing Resources Advocacy Person-centered Plans Weekly Out & About Events Recreation Co-ops During School Breaks Monthly Newsletter

9 We Rely On & Connect with Our Community
Business/Community Partners Volunteers Civic Groups Government Leaders

10 Other Programs at The Arc
Youth Programs JumpStart - after school, Saturday and summer programs for youth ages 5-13 ESTEAM – gives youth ages who experience autism and related disabilities the opportunity to explore science, technology, engingeering, art and math Community Connectors - work 1:1 with children & youth on skill building both in the home and community Adult Programs EmployAbility Discovery & Assessment Path World of Work Keys to Success Job Development Stepping Out - adult community enrichment program

11 Questions? Nancy Berge Laura Dahill ext ext. 113 Send an to Nancy or Laura to subscribe to the Families Connected newsletter!

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