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9.7.18 U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: 1813 - The nickname "Uncle Sam" was first used as a symbolic reference to the United States. 1896 - A.H. Whiting.

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Presentation on theme: "9.7.18 U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: 1813 - The nickname "Uncle Sam" was first used as a symbolic reference to the United States. 1896 - A.H. Whiting."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: The nickname "Uncle Sam" was first used as a symbolic reference to the United States A.H. Whiting won the first automobile race held on a racetrack. Race was held in Cranston, RI Margaret Gorman of Washington, DC, was crowned the first Miss America in Atlantic City, NJ Philo T. Farnsworth succeeded in transmitting an image through purely electronic means by using an image dissector ESPN, the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network, made its debut on cable TV. BELL WORK: PICK-UP & READ CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY VS ROBBER BARONS. THEN READ YOUR INDIVIDUAL HANDOUT. NOW DECIDE: IS YOUR PERSON A CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY OR ROBBER BARON? PROVIDE TWO FACTS/DETAILS TO SUPPORT YOUR DECISION. AGENDA: COMPLETE UNIT 1.2 VIDEO NOTES. THE AGE OF BIG BUSINESS DISCUSS UNIT 1.2 NOTES: THE ERA OF BIG BUSINESS & THE ROBBER BARONS COMPLETE & DISCUSS UNIT 1.2 ACTIVITIES. COMPLETE EXIT TICKET.

2 Exit Ticket #1 Answer the following question in a brief written response, should the wealthy industrialists of the Gilded Age be considered robber barons or captains of industry? Be sure to provide and explain at least two details to support your position.

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