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March - 4th Grade News Reading English Math Social Studies Science

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1 March - 4th Grade News Reading English Math Social Studies Science
We just finished up our unit on adventures. Our last unit this year is called “Reaching for Goals.” Be looking for your child’s new AR goal, Monday March 11. Read, read, read!! English We are doing our last paragraph of the week. We will be using this time to do some test prep. We take our state tests in April and want to do everything we can, to be ready. Math We are learning some brand new things in Math this quarter. If your child seems frustrated, remind them we will be going over it again and again and again. Some of us still need to work on our basic multiplication facts. Social Studies We are continuing our study of South Dakota history. We will be making a timeline of important events in South Dakota history soon. Science During our current unit, we are learning about fossils and fossil fuels. We will be taking the chapter test this week. Spelling We will continue to have our weekly pretests on Mondays and tests on Thursdays. Students can practice the weekly words on Remember: *MGS Showcase March 21 *Our spring concert is April 1. * 4/5 Parent breakfast April 10 ***Please see attached sheet about our showcase night. Please fill out and return ASAP.***

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