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Would you like fries with that?

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Presentation on theme: "Would you like fries with that?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Would you like fries with that?

2 The benefits of Product Bundling

3 What is Product Bundling?
Multiple products or components are packaged together into one bundled solution.

4 Discuss a bundled product you have purchased
Group discussion Discuss a bundled product you have purchased

5 Examples 1. Progressive 2. X-Box 3. Big Mac Value Meal

6 Benefits for Businesses and Customers
Introduce New Products Acquire New Customers Higher Profits Increase Product Turnover (distressed inventory) CUSTOMERS Save Money Perception of Greater Value Low Risk to Try New Products

7 Collaboration time…

8 Create Your Own Bundle You are the owners of your own Sporting Goods store. Although sales for the sports equipment are going well, it appears that sports apparel sales are lagging. How can you use a product bundling strategy to increase your store’s profit? Work with your partner to research three examples of product bundling in today’s marketplace. After your research, prepare speaking notes that you will use to present your own strategy for Sporting Goods store.

9 Assessment Assessment: 100 points Research…25 points Speaking notes…25 points Presentation to class…50 points


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