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Higher order questions

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1 Higher order questions
Lesson Topic(s): Science 2nd Grade Week of: 5/13-17 Objectives: Students will make observations and understand how rocks are made and change. TEKS: 2.1A ,B, D, 2.1.3, 1.4,1.5, 1.1a,1.1b2.1,2c, 2.1.2e, 7.A, 7.B, 7C ELPS: 3.B.3, 1.F, 4.C.3, 1.D ,1.G,4.G,5.B5.G Essential Question(s): How do rocks affect our environment and our lives? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Read Everybody Needs a Rock Finish lap book Rocks and minerals Read The Big Rock Finish lap book Read Let’s Go Rock Collecting Watch Brain Pop, Jr. video Watch rock videos on discovery learning Watch Magic School Bus “ Rocks and Rolls” Pet rocks due Little Eagle Relays Vocabulary Rocks Minerals Properties luster Rock and minierals Collection Tools Picks geologist minerals Higher order questions How are rocks and minerals related? How are all rocks related? What would make rock collecting a good hobby? How can rocks change from one type of rock into another type of rock? Assessment Strategy Write down properties of minerals. Write the most important rock ft you heard in the book. Brain pop video movie and quiz Write 3 things you learned about rocks.

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