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A Quick Glance at Formative and Summative Technology Assessment Tools: e-Portfolios Sally Mechling Grand Canyon University TEC 546 07/23/2011.

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1 A Quick Glance at Formative and Summative Technology Assessment Tools: e-Portfolios Sally Mechling Grand Canyon University TEC 546 07/23/2011

2 The e-Portfolio: What is it? Web-based (or computer-based depending on how it is set up) tool that allows students to display a collection of work that represents learning progress. According to June Ahn in the article titled Electronic Portfolios: Blending Technology, Accountability & Assessment, Portfolio-based assessment and, more recently, the electronic portfolio have been seen as an alternative to standardized tests (2004). Chang and Tseng discuss the features of portfolio assessment include long-term learning, multiple assessment, self- assessment and reflection, teacher-student joint participation, valuation and interaction, innovation of teaching and learning (2009).

3 e-Portfolios can be used for both formative assessments and summative assessment. Findings discussed by Chang and Tseng in their journal article titled Use and performances of Web-based portfolio assessment state It thus appears that the Web-based portfolio assessment system has a significant impact on the students performances (2009, p. 365). e-Portfolios come in a variety of designs based on the specific student needs as well as available technology and teacher/student design. has a page titled What is an eportfolio, or electronic portfolio?What is an eportfolio, or electronic portfolio?


5 What does it Cost? Cost depends on the design of the e-portfolio. Cost can be free with the use of free applications and tools that are available on the Internet. Formal applications such as TaskStream can cost from $21.00 per student for 1 year to $65.00 per student for 6 years.TaskStream Free or low cost applications can include the use of free Wiki pages and Web site development such as Wix.Wiki pagesWix Other free tools to help with development are available and many blogs have recommendations such as The Clever Sheep.The Clever Sheep Web tools such as provide many features for


7 What can it be used for? e-Portfolios can be used in both formative and summative assessments. e-Portfolios reflect student growth. Students can use the portfolio for reflection and review as well as for alternate assessment of learning for course work. What the e-portfolio can do depends on how it is designed. Formative assessments can include processes or individual artifacts that are included in the portfolio. Summative assessment can be completed by unit or course based on proof of achieving standards.

8 What Kind of Data is Produced? Data can be collected in a qualitative format or quantitative format. Rubrics to establish the level of accomplishment will reflect the quantitative data. Comparisons of how the artifacts reflect the standards or benchmarks will produce quantitative data. Qualitative data includes feedback to students and reflections from students as well as feedback from parents.

9 How can data be used to drive instruction and differentiate? Data analysis can be used to determine where students are strong and weak in relation to standards. This can be used to alter or differentiate instruction to enhance the areas that are weak. When feedback is presented to students, they can uses this information in development of their learning goals. Since there is no standard design for e-portfolios, the way each teacher designs the format of the e-portfolio will drive instruction and allow for necessary differentiation.

10 Additional Resources EDUportfolio free e-portfolio site EDUportfolio free website builder Wikispaces for Educators Wikispaces FolioSpaces free ePortfolios FolioSpaces Portfoliocommunities free portfolio Portfoliocommunities The Clever Sheep with free ideas and tools The Clever Sheep ePortfolios for Learning blog of information and resources. ePortfolios for Learning Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio using Off-the-Shelf software... Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio 8 Amazing Free Online Creative Portfolio Community Sites Information Technology K-12 Education ePortfolio free tools Information Technology K-12 Education

11 References Ahn, J. (2004). Electronic Portfolios: Blending Technology, Accountability& Assessment. T H E Journal, 31(9), 12-18. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Chang, C., & Tseng, K. (2009). Use and performances of Web-based portfolio assessment. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(2), 358-370. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2008.00885.x Duvall, S., Jaaskelainen, K., & Pasque, P. (2011). Grassroots Google Tools: ePortfolio in Assessment and Curriculum Integration. School Library Monthly, 27(7), 23-25. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. All images are public domain images and I wish to thank those who allow for their use. Their designs are creative and can be used to enhance learning.

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