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Università degli Studi dell’Aquila Berlin, 29th – 30th November 2017

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1 574055-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-RPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila Berlin, 29th – 30th November 2017 Development of Master Programme in Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Environment Project activities EPP IT-RPPKA2-CBHE-JP

2 The main project data Reg.number: EPP IT-RPPKA2-CBHE-JP Participants: Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Sweden and Uzbekistan Official language English Project themes and priorities: Curriculum development Subject Areas: Renewable Energy sources and sustainable environment Project duration: 3 years Project start date: Project end date: Granted budget: ,00 Euro

3 Project partners EUROPE UZBEKISTAN UNIVAQ University of L’Aquila KTH
UCTM University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy KTH Royal Institute of Technology TUB Technical University of Berlin UZBEKISTAN TIDCMAR Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction and Maintenance of Automotive Roads TTPU Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent MHSSE - Ministry of Higher Education ISEI - International Solar Energy Institute MSC -Mir Solar Company ASU Andizhan State University GSU Gulistan State University KarSU Karshi State University UrSU Urgench State University

4 Wider Objective To create a new profile of engineer expert of Renewable Energy sources and sustainable environment and able to solve local and regional environmental and energy problems of industries, public institutions/societies in Uzbekistan.

5 Specific Project Objectives/1
To improve and update the existing curricula in Engineering field at ASU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU, TIDCMAR, TTPU, and introduce a new MSc program with ECTS system. To establish advanced laboratories for Sustainable Environmental assessment and Renewable energy sources related tasks of project. To attract more students in Engineering field to study in the area of Renewable energy sources and sustainable environment.

6 Specific Project Objectives/2
To train and update skills of Uzbek professors and teachers in energy and environment areas. To offer trainings for enterprises and public administration institutions, societies. To raise public awareness on energy and environmental issues.

7 Grant-holder (UNIVAQ) Co-Coordinator (TIDCMAR)
Project management Grant-holder (UNIVAQ) Co-Coordinator (TIDCMAR) Project Board (PB) Partners Decision making process should be done jointly, but in case of conflict the Grant-holder will have the right of final decision. Current project management and financial management will be in the responsibility of the Grant-holder. As agreed during the kick-off meeting, RENES project has a co-coordinator in TIDCMAR Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction and Maintenance of Automotive Roads Project Board (PB): include representatives of all the partners in the project (project managers in each university).. All the partners are responsible for the overall success of RENES project and for their specific tasks.

8 Analysis of study programs English courses and training
WP1 Preparation Analysis of study programs English courses and training WP2 Development of new Master of Science program RENES WP3 Quality Plan WP4 Dissemination WP5 Management

9 WP1 – PREPARATION Preparation for project implementation and Analyses of study programs at Uzbek and EU partner universities 3 Activities: 1.1 Analysis of study programs at Uzbek and EU partner universities in energy and environment programs in master’s degree 1.2 Intensive English language courses 1.3 Trainings for Uzbek teachers and specialists in Uzbekistan Responsible partner: UrSU When: M1 to M18

10 1. 1. Analysis of study programs at Uzbek and
1.1 Analysis of study programs at Uzbek and EU partner universities in energy and environment programs in master’s degree A detailed study on current curricula and other relevant programs at Uzbek universities. Courses given at EU universities should be included Survey on undergraduate, postgraduate and advanced short course should be included. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) should be studied and implemented in Uzbek system. This study will be compiled from inputs from different partners. It will be available to all partners Due date: 15/02/2017

11 1.2 Intensive English language courses
All Uzbek universities involved: ASU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU, TIDCMAR, TTPU Target: teachers and administrative staff involved in the project activities directly or indirectly potential students for new MSc program Due date: 15/10/2017

12 1.3 Trainings for Uzbek teachers and specialists in Uzbekistan
10 graduate courses out of 12 developed will require the students to do some measurements in the laboratory either related to solar energy or environmental assessment. All graduate courses will require students to carry out computer simulations and analyses. All laboratory exercises relevant to each course will be planned. Experiments will be designed to simulate the real applications students will face in their jobs. Second phase (after instruments arrival to the lab): Adaptation of the instruments to each specific experiment, software and hardware programming development.  See EQUIPMENT for details Due date: 15/02/2018

13 WP2 – DEVELOPMENT Development of the new MSc program
Development of a new Master of Science (MSc) curriculum. The aimed curriculum will be designed taking into consideration study analyses and problems in Renewable energy sources and sustainable environment, and all expertise of the EU partners – UNIVAQ, TUB, KTH, UCTM will employed in full potential with 6 Uzbek partner universities. 12 courses are planned to develop for the whole one year of the project The development will include producing the course materials, exercises, assignments and possible examples of exams. Model answers for some selected problems will be provided. Teaching aids will be designed.

14 WP2 – DEVELOPMENT List of the foreseen courses
Modelling heat and Mass transfer processes and technologies Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Innovative Technologies and Solutions of Energy Supply Energy Technology (advanced course) Socioeconomic Aspects of Energy Supply Environmental Management Environmental Policy and Audit Energy Conversion and Efficiency Renewable energy technologies I & II Photovoltaics Applied Solar Engineering Theory and Methodology of Science (32 hrs/lec, 32 hrs/practice, 32 hrs/lab); (32 hrs/lec, 32 hrs/practice); (16 hrs/lec, 16 hrs/practice, 16 hrs/lab); (32 hrs/lec, 48 hrs/practice, 16 hrs/lab); (32 hrs/lecture, 32 hrs/practice); (21 hrs/lec, 16 hrs/practice, 16 hrs/lab); (48 hrs/lec, 48 hrs/practice, 32 hrs/lab); (48 h/lec, 32 h/prac, 48 h/lab); (48h/lec, 48 h/prac, 32 h/lab); (16 hrs/lec, 32 hrs/practice, 16 hrs/lab).

15 WP2 – DEVELOPMENT Development of the new MSc program
8 Activities: 2.1 Survey of courses 2.2 Teaching methodologies 2.3 Preparation of the new 12 master courses 2.4 Designing requirements on thesis works 2.5 Creating 6 labs in renewable energy and environment 2.6 Specifications of needed equipment and procurement 2.7 Designing lab experiments 2.8 Approval of new MSc program Responsible partner: TUB When: M4 to M21

16 2.1 Survey of courses A detailed study will be prepared on the current curricula at Uzbek universities. The study will also include the courses given at UNIVAQ,TUB , KTH, UCTM. This survey will include undergraduate, postgraduate and advanced short courses. Also, The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in the chosen Engineering programs is studied in order to be able to implement it in Uzbek system. This study will be compiled from inputs from different partners. It will be available to all partners. Due date: 15/10/2017

17 2.2 Teaching methodologies
A survey of the educational systems in the different countries (Italy, Germany, Sweden, Bulgaria and Uzbekistan) will be carried out. Differences in teaching and examination methodologies will be reported. The survey will concentrate on how the energy and ecology courses are related to other courses in Engineering programs. Also, within this activity all innovative teaching tools and methodologies to be implemented in the new MSc program will be designed. Due date: 15/10/2017

18 2.3 Preparation of the new 12 Master courses
In this activity, 12 graduate courses will be developed. The activity will start by defining the details of the curricula at the kick-off meeting. The courses will be designed to fit well within other related courses taken before or after the course; e.g. mathematics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and some introductory courses in energy and ecology, and computer modelling techniques. Due date: 15/02/2018

19 2.4 Designing requirements on thesis works
Requirements of thesis works and graduation projects will be designed and developed. The activity starts by defining the details of the thesis and project works. The thesis and project works will be designed to enable students to have more profound understandings into physical phenomena of their chosen area. The given thesis or graduation project problems will be linked directly with real industrial needs in Uzbekistan in areas of energy and renewable energy sources and sustainable environment. Due date: 15/02/2018

20 2.5 Creating 6 laboratories in Renewable Energy and Environment at 6 Uzbek universities
10 graduate courses out of 12 developed courses will require the students to do some measurements in the laboratory either related to solar energy or environmental assessment or water contamination. Also, all graduate courses will require students to carry out computer simulations and analyses. In this activity, all laboratory exercises relevant to each course will be planned. The experiments will be designed to simulate the real applications students will face in their jobs. The second phase of this activity will be done after the instruments arrive to the lab. This includes the adaptation of the instruments to each specific experiment. This requires software and hardware programming development. The key equipment needed is defined and listed in Annex (Equipment) of this proposal under Equipment costs. Based on the plan for the experiments, the detailed specifications of equipment and accessories will be defined, and numbers will be determined. The selected equipment will be procured in open tender and shipped to ASU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU, TARI, TTPU and examined. They will install all hardware and software, and apply the designed experiments to assure that they work as planned and report any errors. Due date: 15/06/2018

21 2.6 Specifications of needed equipment and procurement
Based on the plan for the experiments, the detailed specifications of equipment and accessories will be defined, and numbers will be determined. A tender will be arranged by ASU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU, TIDCMAR, TTPU. Due date: 15/06/2018

22 2.7 Designing Lab experiments
All laboratory exercises relevant to each course will be planned. The experiments will be designed to simulate the real applications students will face in their jobs. The second phase of this activity will be done after the instruments arrive to the lab. This includes the adaptation of the instruments to each specific experiment. This requires software and hardware programming development. Due date: 15/07/2018

23 2.8 Approval of new MSc program
New MSc program in RES and SE will be approved by academic councils of all 6 Uzbek universities - ASU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU, TARI, TTPU. 10 Selected students from each of 6 Uzbek universities will study in the new MSc program that will be taught by Uzbek teachers in English and some guest lectures will be given by professors from UNIVAQ, TUB, KTH and UCTM. Student selection process: Selection by European professors will be carried out at ASU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU, TARI, TTPU amongst 4th year BSc degree students to check their skills in basic Engineering subjects and English knowledge. The selected 10 candidates will study in full MSc program taught in English. Due date: 31/05/2018

24 WP3 – QUALITY PLAN Quality control and monitoring
1. The project activities will be continuously monitored by the each project partner institution's contact person and project coordinator. The coordinator will monitor the eligibility of the expenditure and the management of the budget and also, monitor the progress of the project, which will be under permanent supervision of the project quality control committee. Partners will circulate summary and progress report following each meeting, seminar or any other activity. The coordinator will visit other consortium members to monitor different activities. Different surveys will be conducted after applying the courses and exams to check the influence of the new courses. Surveys will target teachers, students, retrained engineers and management from the industry. Responsible partner(s): KTH When: M1 to M36

25 WP3 – QUALITY PLAN Quality control and monitoring
2. Randomly selected student exams at ASU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU, TARI, TTPU will be sent to EU professors for evaluation. Two EU professors will be “External Examiners”. 3. Advisory board will be formed to control the quality of each outcome. The members of the board will be one professor from each consortium member. The role of the board is to: - Evaluate the developed courses and the laboratory experiments to see if they meet up expectations. Other experts from the Uzbek industry - MHSSE, ISEI, MIRSOLAR and CPNAR will be also invited to review the new courses. There will be an intermediate evaluation during the development phase. - Collect feedbacks from students/trainees of the courses. - Collect feedbacks from EU professors and teachers who deliver the courses for students and Uzbek teachers - Monitor and quality check analyses carried out by the quality control group of the project. The group consists of one representative from each project consortium member. Responsible partner(s): KTH When: M1 to M36

4 Activities: 4.1 Advertising campaign 4.2 Project website 4.3 Pilot launch of MSc program 4.4 Installation of lab equipment and training on it Responsible partner: TIDCMAR When: M1 to M36

27 4.1 Advertising campaign: conference, workshops, seminars and events
Official opening ceremonies of 6 separate laboratories and teaching rooms at ASU, TARI, TTPU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU. All stakeholders, people from regional government and ministries, and all project partners are invited. Organization an international conference - “Renewable energy sources and Sustainable environment" conference at UrSU. Information about the project activities and results will be disseminated through special brochures. A book of proceedings will also be published for the international conference - “Renewable energy sources and Sustainable environment" conference at UrSU. Regional/national newspapers will also be used as a platform for dissemination of information about the project. Due date: 20/09/2018

28 4.2 Project website A bilingual project website and web-portal is created and published by TARI. It will be updated by-weekly. Project partners will also use a discussion board of the project web-site for file sharing and communication purposes. Due date: 25/02/2017

29 4.3 Pilot launch of MSc program
Project developed MSc program in Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Environment will be launched in the end of a 2nd year of the project at 6 Uzbek universities - ASU, TARI, TTPU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU simultaneously. All courses will be taught in English by Uzbek teachers at 6 universities. Due date: 15/09/2018

30 4.4 Installation of lab equipment and training on it
The selected equipment will be procured in open tender and shipped to 6 Uzbek universities whose staff with the help of specialists of UNIVAQ, TUB will examine the obtained equipment and check that everything is working properly. They will install all hardware and software, and apply the designed experiments to assure that they work as planned and report any errors. Due date: 15/09/2018

31 WP5 – MANAGEMENT 2 Activities: 5.1 Project Management by Coordinator 5.2 Project Management by Local Contact Responsible partner: UNIVAQ When: M1 to M36

32 5.1 Project Management by Coordinator
Coordination of inter-university activities and providing effective participation of all staff engaged in the project activities. Contacting and reporting to EACEA (progress reports, final report, financial reports). Revision of work plan and budget if required. Financial management of the project and managing the overheads expenditure. Monitoring activities of local management team. Due date: 15/10/2019

33 5.2 Project Management by Local Contact
Day-to-Day management of project activities in Uzbekistan. Monitoring project activities and reporting the progress to the coordinator (UNIVAQ) and home university's academic council. Financial management of project activities in Uzbekistan, book-keeping and reporting to the contractor. Providing technical facilities for project implementation. Arranging the practical issues for the EU visitors (travel and lodging) Due date: 15/10/2019

34 Equipment In 2018, the project will provide six Uzbek universities with modern laboratory equipment for doing research in RES and sustainable environment (SE). Thus, the academic partners in Uzbekistan will benefit from modernization of their laboratory spaces. Master's as well as doctorate students will be given access to the new equipment in these universities and shall be the primary beneficiaries of this improvement in learning environment.

35 Equipment WP 1.3 Trainings for Uzbek teachers and specialists in Uzbekistan WP 2.5 Creating 6 laboratories in Renewable Energy and Environment at 6 Uzbek universities The second phase of this activity will be done after the instruments arrive to the lab. This includes the adaptation of the instruments to each specific experiment. This requires software and hardware programming development. The key equipment needed is defined and listed in Annex (Equipment) of this proposal under Equipment costs. Based on the plan for the experiments, the detailed specifications of equipment and accessories will be defined, and numbers will be determined. The selected equipment will be procured in open tender and shipped to ASU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU, TARI, TTPU and examined. They will install all hardware and software, and apply the designed experiments to assure that they work as planned and report any errors.

36 Equipment WP 2.6 Specifications of needed equipment and procurement
Based on the plan for the experiments, the detailed specifications of equipment and accessories will be defined, and numbers will be determined. A tender will be arranged by ASU, GulSU, KarSU, UrSU, TARI, TTPU. WP 4.4 Installation of lab equipment and training on it The selected equipment will be procured in open tender and shipped to 6 Uzbek universities whose staff with the help of specialists of UNIVAQ, TUB will examine the obtained equipment and check that everything is working properly. They will install all hardware and software, and apply the designed experiments to assure that they work as planned and report any errors.

37 Equipment A cost of 240,000 EUR is budgeted in equipment
Each partner university has EUR to furnish a lab necessary to conduct the program. Uzbek partners’ budget WP2 – Development 170 staff days are foreseen for each University, EUR 5.250,00 each 40 days for Manager 60 days for Teacher/Trainer/Researcher 40 days for Technical Staff 30 days for Administrative Staff Role and tasks in the work package: “Creating labs in Renewable Energy and Environment, specifications of needed equipment and procurement, designing Lab experiments, approving of new MSc courses.”

38 Equipment 1 Complected Lab Hardware +1 OH projector+ network LAN; 2 printers, 1 copying machine; 2 laptops+1 backup Server. 20.000,00 1 set of thermosyphon solar cells, Active Solar Unit, Electrolyzer, Infrared Thermometer; 2.000,00 1 set of solar cells; 1 Multi-exhaust gas analyzer; 1 portable smoke meter; 1 digital storage osciloscope; 1 electrolyzer unit; fuel cells; Photo voltanic panel; 4.000,00 1 computerised meteorological station consisting of the relevant devices for the measurements of: wind speed, wind direction, solar irradiance at horizontal surface, ambient temperature and relative humidity; 1 sets of educational software packages for study of wind power, biomass, solar active and solar passive systems, photovoltaics and fuel cell (TRNSYS, PVsyst, Sunmedia, Sunview, psychro, Easysol, Oikosim, labview, windrose) 5.000,00 1 set of Flux meter, flow meter, Shunt, resistance regulators, Transducers, Temperature sensors, Solar Pyranometer; Books, teaching materials, Software THERMO(15 licenses), Software COMSOL/MultiPhysics (15 licenses) TOTAL 40.000,00

39 Equipment Main problem to clarify: Is you University able to buy the equipment and pay for it?

40 Equipment YES we must have a kind of tender with at least 3 offers for each item We must have a letter signed by the legal representative of your Institute, stating that after the 3 offers you will choose the best one (for economical reason) and this tender is closed. Only after, we will be able to transfer the money (total amount of equipment voice) to you, so that you will be able to pay and receive the goods. As many of you sent a list with different goods to be bought from different suppliers (even 6 or 7 for some universities!), you should provide: 3 offers for each item 1 document if you summarize all the different tenders

41 Equipment: what should be done?
Step 1 – List of equipment A list of equipment should be finalized for all, without any company mentioned This list should as much as possible similar to the list in the budget Step 2 – Opening of tenders We have to collect at least 3 offers. If goods are very specific and this is not possible, please provide a document attesting that Step 3 – Closing the tenders A document signed by your Rector stating that among different offers you choose that one for economical reasons

42 Equipment NOT If you cannot buy and pay on your own, as we know in Uzbekistan you could have troubles in buying equipment, we should find the way to pay directly from here your supplier. In this case, we cannot have so many suppliers! We propose you: to buy different items from only one supplier To buy from the same supplier items for all universities In fact, we should sign a contract among UNIVAQ, Uzbek university and supplier: imagine if you have even 3 or 4 suppliers each, we will have 3 or 4 trilateral contracts for each of you and to finalize everything we will need too much time!

43 Equipment: what should be done?
Additional Step Trilateral contract among: - UNIVAQ - One or more UZ university - Seller

44 WP3: Contribution to the monitoring activities WP4:
TO DO LIST! WP1: 1.1 Analysis of study: Closing the activity with an official report 1.2 English courses: Closing the activity with documentation 1.3 Trainings in UZ: Planning the activity WP2: 2.1 Survey: closing the activity with an official report 2.2 Teaching methodology: closing the activity with an official report 2.3/2.4 Preparation of new MSc: here in Berlin! 2.5/2.6/2.7 Equipment 2.8 Approval of new MSc: we have to be ready for next academic year WP3: Contribution to the monitoring activities WP4: 4.1 Advertising: documentation available for all partners and outside 4.2 Website: constant updating of the website with all the content and results of the project 4.3 Pilot launch of MSc: we have to be ready for next academic year 4.4 Installation of labs  equipment WP5: Activity and Financial Reports about activities in the 1-st year of the project

45 Development: Quality: Management: Next meetings
We can have another meeting in Europe to complete the development activities: Stockholm? Quality: 2 meetings were included, both in Uzbekistan (Urgench and Andijan) Any comment, proposal, idea will be discussed with KTH (responsible of the WP) Management: Next SC meeting in Uzbekistan (Karshi or Gulistan) Final meeting in Tashkent

46 Massimiliano D’Innocenzo
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila Thank you very much! Massimiliano D’Innocenzo

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