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Your Memory God’s Word FOUR MIRRORS Your Relation-ships Your Tongue.

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2 Your Memory God’s Word FOUR MIRRORS Your Relation-ships Your Tongue

3 Your Memory God’s Word FOUR MIRRORS Your Relation-ships Your Tongue

4 The mirror of god’s word
A powerful mirror for one who wishes to see Matthew 13:14-16 Why did the apostles see but others could not? John 5:44-47 Be wise when you hear complaints about preaching & teaching – 1 John 4:5,6 Have you lost your hunger & thirst for righteousness? Matthew 5:6 What does the mirror tell us about serious readers? James 1:22- 25 What does the mirror say about your interest in changing? Are you teachable?

5 Your Memory God’s Word FOUR MIRRORS Your Relation-ships Your Tongue

6 The mirror of your memory
If we know God we look at the past with gratitude – Ephesians 2:11-13 We can see with hopelessness of living without God We should look on our past like Israel regarding Egypt How we view the past will determine how we view ourselves 1 Timothy 1:12-15 How many struggle- their conversion does not release them from the past Shimei – 2 Samuel 16:7,8,13 Bitter past brings a depressed & angry life

7 Your Memory God’s Word FOUR MIRRORS Your Relation-ships Your Tongue

8 The mirror of your relationships
Can definitely see your spiritual direction by your relationships Peter made a series of bad decisions – Luke 22:54 Paul was encouraged when brethren stood with him – Acts 18:9-11 Our relationships change over time. How are they changing? Are you moving away from faithful Christians? – Psalms 1:1-3

9 The mirror of your relationships
Moving in wrong direction – Proverbs 13:20 Some have “toxic faith.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 When you are drifting doctrinally, this also happens – Galatians 4:15,17 What a blessing to have “crazy” friends who love to talk about the Word of God – Psalm 119:63; Malachi 3:16-18 Your friends or lack of friends is a mirror to who you are What do you see?

10 Your Memory God’s Word FOUR MIRRORS Your Relation-ships Your Tongue

11 The mirror of your tongue
Tongues show what is in our heart – Mark 7:21-23 What do you love to talk about? Relationships determined by what we are most interested in How we think & act towards others is a powerful mirror Consider your attitudes toward brethren & the world – 1 John 2:9-11

12 The mirror of your tongue
Jesus a servant looking to needs of others – Do you complain that brethren are not serving you? Romans 15:1,2 Is your tongue filled with praise & thanksgiving? Colossians 2:6,7 You will also love to speak well of your brother in Christ – Ephesians 4:29-32 Are others reflecting my attitude towards them?

13 Always be Thankful When You Can See Where you are & that you know you are doing the will of god from the heart Your Memory God’s Word Your Relation-ships Your Tongue

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