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What is Marine Science? The study of living organisms and their relationship to the physical, chemical and geological nature of the ocean.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Marine Science? The study of living organisms and their relationship to the physical, chemical and geological nature of the ocean."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Marine Science? The study of living organisms and their relationship to the physical, chemical and geological nature of the ocean.

2 Two Main Divisions Marine Biology Oceanography Sub Groups Sub Groups
Living organisms’ taxa Characteristics of growth Food web interactions Sub Groups Veterinary medicine Resource management Aquaculture Education Behavior/psychology Oceanography Tides, waves, currents Ocean floor geology Water chemistry Sub Groups Engineering Archeology Military Meteorology Energy management

3 Professional Opportunities
Education Pollution Control International Policy of the Sea Environmental Law Ocean engineering World Trade – Global Shipping Mapping, Exploration, Research Recreation

4 College Departments Biology All will train in ocean related fields.
Chemistry Physics Geology Oceanic Engineering Computer science All will train in ocean related fields.

5 Marine Careers 40 % all levels of government related fields, Military
40% academic or educational 20% private sector

6 History Learning from the Past

7 Oceanography and Marine Biology began as a necessity – not a science!

8 Minoans and Phoenicians used the Mediterranean for trade.

9 Greeks calculated the Earth’s size, shape and latitude lines.
Eratosthenes' Calculation of Earth's Circumference By comparing the shadow of the sun at Summer Solstice noon at Alexandria and Syrene, and knowing the distance between the two, he calculated the circumference of the earth to be 250,000 stadia (about 24,662 miles).

10 Vikings, led by Leif Erikson, colonized Iceland in 700 A. D
Vikings, led by Leif Erikson, colonized Iceland in 700 A.D. and North America by 100 A.D.

11 Arabs and Chinese Developed the compass
Used earliest from of navigations The Chinese developed rudders on Junks before the Europeans.

12 Polynesians used stars to explore Micronesia in double hulled canoes.

13 Voyages of Columbus (1492) and Magellan (1522) began the “Age of Discovery”

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