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Darwin’s Journey Pg. 58 Patterns of Evolution Pg. 59 Add to Table of Contents:

3 Patterns of Evolution Pg. 59
Evolution = change over time. Darwin wrote “Descent with Modification” and said newer life forms are modified descendants of older species. Natural Selection – organisms best suited to their environment will reproduce more successfully and survive. = survival of the fittest!

4 Patterns of Evolution: 1
Patterns of Evolution: 1. Convergent evolution – different species evolve similar traits-the environment selects the traits ** have different ancestors.

5 2. Divergent evolution – descendants of a single ancestor change into new species. (become dissimilar)

6 2. Divergent evolution -Adaptive Radiation – organisms undergo divergence until all parts of the environment are filled. Ex. Bird beaks in Galapagos.

7 3. Coevolution – two or more species have evolved adaptations due to each other’s influence= evolve together!

8 4. Artificial Selection – humans intentionally breeding organisms to obtain desired traits.
Ex. Dogs- DNA from all 654 breeds show they share DNA similarities with wolves in East Asia, showing humans domesticated dogs from wolves, then selectively bred them to get today’s breeds.


10 Answer essential question

11 Butterflies – example of camouflage

12 Butterflies – example of mimicry


14 Butterflies – examples of trickery

15 Butterflies – examples of don’t eat me! And trickery

16 Now you are going to create your own camouflaged butterfly.
Rules: 1. It can not be all 1 color. (at least 2 colors) 2. Has to be placed somewhere in full view around outside edges of the classroom. 3. Can’t be on floor or ceiling.

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