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Issues with the War on Terror

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1 Issues with the War on Terror
Cartoon analysis

2 3. Gitmo (forever prison)
There are a number of issues that have made the “War on Terror” controversial. 1. Privacy rights 2. Use of drone strikes 3. Gitmo (forever prison)

3 Privacy One side: We should give up our privacy (internet use, social media, phone and cell calls) to keep us safe from terrorists. Other Side: Our country was founded on the importance of privacy. We should never give this up to gov’t because they may abuse it in the future.

4 Drone Strikes One Side: Drones are unethical because a person can be killed without a trial. How do we know they are terrorists? Other Side: Drones keep our soldiers safe since they are not in danger and are far away.

5 GITMO: Prison forever One Side: These prisoners cant be released to they will go back to the war and fight against us. Other Side: What if innocent. Everyone deserves a trial to prove innocent.

6 Cartoon Analysis For Each Cartoon Do the Following:
What is the theme/topic/issue of the cartoon? (privacy, drone strikes, torture, etc…) What “side” is the cartoon on? What is the message of the cartoon? What is the artist saying about the theme/topic? Do you agree or disagree with the message and why?

7 Cartoon A.

8 Cartoon B.

9 Cartoon C.

10 Cartoon D.

11 Cartoon E.

12 Cartoon F

13 Cartoon G

14 Cartoon H

15 Cartoon I

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