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Home Safety Geriatric Interprofessional Training

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Presentation on theme: "Home Safety Geriatric Interprofessional Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Safety Geriatric Interprofessional Training
Nancy Weintraub, MD Alex Tieche, PT

2 Mr. Lewis Part 6 3 month doctor f/u
He is taking the pill but not using the inhaler Falls and shortness of breath continue He has declined home PT He has agreed to shower chair but declined all other home safety suggestions

3 Mr. Lewis Part 6 cont. Patricia’s input:
She is worried when he is alone His memory is getting worse His appetite is still bad He is very stubborn

4 Mr. Lewis Part 6 cont. Exam Findings:
Heart beat is still irregular but slower (60-100) Orthostatic BP changes persist Weight is unchanged MOCA 16/30

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