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Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’

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1 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Supporting the Agency for Professional Development of Teachers in Serbia (ZAVOD) Workshop Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’ September 2016 Beograd Prepared by Univ. Prof Dr Viktor Jakupec

2 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Learning Outcomes The learners will identify the need for and importance of mainstreaming and social and gender equity as cross cutting issues in training environments with a focus on CPD and adult learning situations Teaching Activity Introduce the rationale and the need for inclusion of mainstreaming and social and gender equity in teaching/learning and instructional activities as best ‘international practice’ (practical examples; discussion, EU strategies) Learning Activity Identify strategies to include mainstreaming and social and gender equity in teaching/learning and instructional activities focussing on CPD and adult education (group activity and presentation) 1

3 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Introduction to Topic Rationale and the need for inclusion of mainstreaming and social and gender equity in teaching/learning and instructional activities Strategies to include mainstreaming and social and gender equity in teaching/learning and instructional activities focussing on CPD and adult education (group activity and presentation) Activity: Apply What You Have Learnt 2

4 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Introduction to Topic: Basic Concepts Mainstreaming Inclusion and Integration Social and Gender Equity Rationale Implementing Mainstreaming and Social and Gender Equity in training and education 3

5 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Definitions Mainstreaming, in the context of education and training, is the practice of integrating learners with specific needs in regular education and training. These needs may be due to physical and/or psychological impairments. Inclusive Practice can be defined as attitudes, approaches and strategies which ensure that no learners are excluded or isolated from the education on offer. 2 4

6 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Definitions Gender Equity refers to the concept that women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making, and when the different behaviours, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favoured. Social Equity is defined as a condition in the society whereby all the people in the society have equal rights under the law. It incudes concepts of economic equity (i.e. equal access to education, health care, social securities, public infrastructure). 5

7 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Rationale Equal opportunities and Gender Mainstreaming are strategic priorities of the EU Commission incl. employment, lifelong learning educational policies teachers and learning facilitation ToT and Trainers should have a consistent knowledge on the issue and should be able to use methods to apply Equal opportunities and Gender Mainstreaming approach in their daily working activities. ToT and Trainers should become active players in including gender mainstreaming in the whole learning process: from designing to implementation and evaluation. Reference: European Commission, Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe 6

8 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Mainstreaming and adult education Deliberate and targeted infusion of adult education principles into the mission, values and operations of a learning organisation or training provider accommodating the needs of adult learners with specific needs due to, for example Physical impairments Anatomical impairments Neurological impairments Musculoskeletal impairments Sensory impairments Psychological conditions Learning impairment (e.g. reading [dyslexia], mathematics [dyscalculia] and writing [dysgraphia] 7

9 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Strategies: Implementing Mainstreaming in training and education Obtain a clear quantitative picture of gender roles and ratios in various levels and areas of the educational system using gender disaggregated data; Identify possible factors related to any gender gaps and inequalities identified, and planning for the elimination of these factors; Assess the special educational needs, immediate and practical as well as long- term and strategic of women and men, and planning specifically to meet these needs Ensuring that women and men share equitably in the designing, planning, decision-making, management, administration and delivery of education training, and also benefit equitably in terms of access, participation and the allocation of resources 8

10 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Strategies: Implementing Gender and Social equity in training and education Make explicit the importance of gender along with race/ethnicity and social class/caste as a factor for consideration in the process of education and training Ensure gender and social equity in access both generally, and in relation to training which lead to better careers and job opportunities Overcome structural barriers, whether they be legal, economic, political, or cultural which may influence the access and/or participation of either gender or social background in training …2 9

11 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Strategies: Implementing Gender and Social equity in training and education (continuation) Increase the awareness of the active role which women and persons from different social and cultural background can and do play in education and training development Increase the participation of women and persons from different social and cultural background in decision-making in the management and implementation of training and CPD programmes for ToTs and trainers 3

12 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
From theory to practice: Language (non-discriminatory) in Curriculum design and delivery Teaching-learning delivery Teaching-learning situations Women and men learn differently Persons from different social and cultural backgrounds have different approaches to learning Social and cultural sensitivity Respect for and accommodation of differing social and cultural backgrounds needs and demands 10

13 Mainstreaming and social and gender equity as ‘cross cutting issues’
Activities Identify how mainstreaming and gender and social equity may be improved in your working environment Provide feed-back to other groups 11

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