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City of Kingston Heritage Fund (CKHF) Information Session

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1 City of Kingston Heritage Fund (CKHF) 2019-2020 Information Session

2 Your CKHF Support Team:
Jamie McKenzie-Naish (Managing Director of KAM) Debbie Holdich (Office Coordinator)

3 What We Will Cover Today
Important Dates What’s New How it Works Purpose Background What We Will Cover Today age Fund.

4 Background… The idea for the CKHF emerged within the City of Kingston Culture Plan (2010), identifying the need to better support and develop Kingston’s cultural heritage sector….

5 Background… In 2013, the CKHF was formally established as a means to enrich the cultural experiences available to Kingston residents and to increase the profile, capacity, impact, relevance and sustainability of Culture & Heritage organizations.  Since its inception, the Kingston Association of Museums, Art Galleries and Historic Sites (KAM) has administered this grant program on behalf of the City of Kingston to ensure that the fund supports and nurtures the capacity of Kingston’s cultural heritage sector.

6 Purpose… The City of Kingston Heritage Fund (CKHF) provides financial support for museums, heritage projects, cultural groups and historical societies to improve how Kingston’s stories are told locally and to the world.  A total of $338,773 has been approved to support the City of Kingston Heritage Fund in

7 How it Works… The CKHF provides 3 types of grants: Full Operating, Investment Operating, and Project. Operating grants typically represent 75% of available funds awarded and Project grants typically represent 25%.

8 How it Works… Operating Grants help provide a stable base of funding for cultural heritage organizations in Kingston to support their long-term sustainability and capacity-building. Project Grants nurture and support ‘specific and time-bound’ cultural heritage initiatives in Kingston.  

9 How it Works… Full Operating Grants support ongoing operations of already established organizations/sites. Investment Operating Grants help organizations looking to develop their operational capacity. Project Grants can be linked to a specific organization project or be collaborative project with several organizations taking part.

10 Eligibility… Full Operating Grants
be in the City of Kingston, with the majority of related activities of the organization taking place within the City of Kingston; be a non-profit organization, whose fundamental focus is cultural heritage, with a mandate to serve the public; have been incorporated for a minimum of two years by the end of the calendar year in which the grant application is made; have previously been in receipt of a CKHF Project Grant and/or Operating Grant; and provide latest year-end financial statements.

11 Eligibility… Investment Operating Grants
must be in the City of Kingston, with the majority of related activities of the organization taking place within the City of Kingston; be a non-profit organization, whose fundamental focus is cultural heritage (e.g. Collection, conservation, presentation, etc.) with a mandate to serve the public; and; provide current year-end financial statements.

12 Eligibility… Project Grants
Organization Specific Projects: Be in the City of Kingston. The applicant organization must be either: incorporated as a non-profit cultural heritage organization; or incorporated as a distinct and discrete non-profit entity organization created solely to support a cultural heritage organization or initiative. Examples of eligible supporting organizations include “Friends of…”; or incorporated as a non-profit, whose fundamental focus may not be cultural heritage exclusively, but whose project application is culturally or heritage based. Provide latest year-end financial statements.

13 Eligibility… Project Grants
Collaborative Projects: To meet CKHF funding requirements, any incorporated non-profit or charitable organization (except for KAM) may agree to serve as the lead agency for a collaborative project, and assumes ultimate responsibility for the project..   all collaborants must be in the City of Kingston; applications must identify the lead organization, list partner agencies, and provide letters of support for the project from the partners; applications must state the terms of the collaborative project, and the way the duties, and responsibilities for the project will be shared; applications must identify the division of project costs and budget responsibilities, in addition to the distribution of any potential project deficit; and

14 Exclusions from Eligibility…
academic units of publicly or privately funded educational institutions organizations and activities outside the City of Kingston; individuals; for-profit organizations; or cultural heritage institutions that are wholly owned and operated by senior levels of government. ALSO: Organizations currently receiving other grant funding form City of Kingston City of Kingston Cultural Services and/or KAM permanent or contract staff may not hold a primary role with an organization applying to CKHF

15 REMEMBER! There are eligible grant costs for each grant stream and ineligible grant costs. Make sure you are requesting support for the right things! (or your application will become ineligible…) Make sure to submit all supporting documents! (or your application will become ineligible…)

16 How things are decided…
Your application will be reviewed by a grant committee through a peer assessment process; Grant Committee members are volunteer stakeholders from across Kingston’s cultural sector. Successful applicants will be notified in December 2019.

17 What’s New…. need to sign a Grant Agreement prior to receiving their grant funds, as well provide proof of liability insurance ($5,000,000). We will provide Reporting Templates for both the Interim and Final Reports. need to acknowledge the support of the Kingston Association of Museums, Art Galleries and Historic Sites and the City of Kingston in all publications and promotional materials. There will be a 10% hold-back of funds for project grants until the final report is submitted.

18 Important Dates… CKHF Operating Grant Applications are due by 3 pm on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 2019. CKHF Project Grant Applications are due by 3 pm on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 2019.

19 Important Dates… Grant Writing Workshops will take place on Monday July 15th at 4pm, and Monday August 12th 2019 at 6pm in the KAM office. We encourage all applicants to discuss their applications with us – please contact us to book an appointment!

20 Kingston Association of Museums, Art Galleries
and Historic Sites Inc. 837 Princess Street, Suite 203A Kingston, Ontario, K7L 1G8 Telephone: 

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