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Human Genetics and Genetic Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Human Genetics and Genetic Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Genetics and Genetic Technology
Table of Contents Human Inheritance Human Genetic Disorders Advances in Genetics

2 Human Inheritance Inheritance of Blood Type
The table shows which combinations of alleles result in each human blood type.

3 Human Inheritance X and Y Chromosomes
The human X chromosome is larger and carries more genes than the human Y chromosome.

4 Human Inheritance Colorblindness Punnett Square
Red-green colorblindness is a sex-linked trait. Complete the Punnett square.

5 Human Genetic Disorders
Sickle-Cell Disease A man has sickle-cell disease. His wife does not have the disease, but is heterozygous for the sickle-cell trait. Use this information to complete the Punnett square. What is the probability that their child will have the sickle-cell disease?

6 Human Genetic Disorders
Hemophilia Hemophilia occurs more often in males than in females. Cross a carrier female, XHXh, with a healthy male, XHY, and complete the Punnett square.

7 Human Genetic Disorders
Pedigrees This pedigree shows the inheritance of the allele for albinism in three generations of a family.

8 Advances in Genetics Selective Breeding

9 Advances in Genetics Gardeners and plant breeders use hybridization to develop roses with certain characteristics. What will the hybrid offspring look like?

10 Advances in Genetics Changing Rice Production
This data table shows how worldwide rice production changed between 1965 and Plot the data from the table and determine a line graph.

11 Advances in Genetics Genetic Engineering
Scientists use genetic engineering to create bacterial cells that produce important human proteins such as insulin.

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