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Agenda Brief overview of recent history of validation WG Odds and Ends

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2 Agenda Brief overview of recent history of validation WG Odds and Ends
Update on CAA method registration with IANA Redirects Validation Summit overview and progress Any other business? Reminder: What we are working on can always be found on our Trello board:

3 Odds and Ends: IANA registration and Re-directs
Technical Expert has been appointed, IANA registration of CAA tags now takes a few days Re-directs seem to have a consensus, and keeps coming up. Ballot needed. Proposal: One redirect allowed Must be a “normal” re-direct (HTTP headers only, no parsing of HTML for Meta-refresh, no parsing of javascript)

4 Brief History of Validation
August 2016: Ballot 169 – Get rid of “any other method” March 2017: Ballot 187 – Mandatory CAA Checking September 2017: Ballot 190 – Restricted port list, fixes for ballot 169 February 2018: Ballot 218 – Remove Validation Methods 1 and 5 March 2018: Validation Summit February 2019: Ballot SC13 – CAA CONTACT- and validation February 2019: Ballot SC7 – “any other method” for IP addresses

5 Validation Summit Held in Herndon, Virginia during the March 2018 Face-to-face meeting Discussed all the validation methods that existed at the time Validation Summit findings and working document: 0/edit?pli=1#heading=h.rvt81ejrzk00 Method 1: Removed Method 2: , FAX, SMS, Postal Mail, or Carrier Pidgeon Method 3: Phone Contact Method 4: Constructed Method 5: Removed

6 Validation Summit Held in Herndon, Virginia during the March 2018 Face-to-face meeting Discussed all the validation methods that existed at the time Method 6: Agreed-upon change to a website Method 7: DNS change Method 8: IP Address Method 9: Test Certificate Method 10: TLS with a Random Number Method 11: Removed: “any other method” Method 12: Validating application as domain contact

7 Validation Summit New methods since the Validation Summit:
Method 13: to DNS CAA Contact Method 14: to DNS TXT Contact Method 15 (proposed): Phone call to DNS CAA Contact Method 16 (proposed): Phone call to DNS TXT Contact Up Next: Improvements to “Method 6: Agreed upon change to a website” A proposed list of changes exists in the Validation Summit document Three items need more research

8 Active Methods 2: Email – improvements made
3: Phone – improvements in progress 4: Constructed 6: Agreed-upon change to a website – work in progress 7: DNS Change - TODO 8: IP Address – improvements made 10: Replace with TLS ALPN method – work in progress 12: New (From method #1: applicant as domain registrant) 13,14: New ( and phone)

9 Contact Info

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