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Adult Education Preparing for FY20 April 11 & 12

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1 Adult Education Preparing for FY20 April 11 & 12
Wyvonne Stevens-Carter, Acting Adult Education State Director

2 Agenda Welcome and Overview Current Policy Active Seat/Enrollment
Program Funding Formula Application of Policy FY20 Funding Rationale Data Examples Funding Impact Examples Questions and Wrap-Up

3 Active Seat Enrollment
Policy manual Each student enrolled occupies an active and unique student seat (i.e., a seat filled by one, and only one, unique and unduplicated student at a time). As students leave the program, seats will need to be refilled in order to remain active and maintain enrollment. With the exception of providers whose primary mission is to serve homeless, CALC and AECI program design must demonstrate a commitment to serving a minimum of 50 students on an ongoing basis. If students don’t have assessments than they may not be correctly categorized as ABE or ESOL.

4 Active Seat Enrollment
Working definition for FY19 Active Seat – counts all students with attendance in any given month. A student who holds an active seat may or may not have an assessment recorded in the month counted.

5 Program Funding Formula
ACLS supports a range of $2,300 to $3,300 funding per active and unique student seat. A program can have seats that cost more than the threshold as long as the average is within the range. Programs may propose a budget above or below this range. For designs that require an average per seat cost over $3,300, programs must provide a compelling rationale to be considered. This may include costs related to a wide geographic service area or other factors (e.g., 20 hour intensive classes). Services must be available during the academic year (i.e., September to June). Programs with designs that do not align with the academic calendar must provide a rationale for the structure. Additional programming (e.g., summer) is encouraged and can serve as the basis for a rationale for higher funding levels. (Notes: (1) The minimum seat requirement of 50 does not apply to summer programming. (2) IET and IELCE models are not held to this funding structure.) Program funding is tied to enrollments. If funded enrollment levels are not maintained, the grant will be adjusted accordingly.

6 FY20 Funding Rationale FY19 Average Monthly Enrollment Relative to Target Impact ESOL ABE >100% 3% increase to base funding (ESOL) 5% increase to base funding (ABE) 90-100% of funded seats 75-100% of funded seats Level funded (FY19 base includes increase amount) 70-89% 60-74% 1-3% decrease to base funding 50-69% 50-59% 4-5% decrease to base funding 0-49% Up to 20% decrease to base funding FY20 conditional funding

7 FY19 Data Sample Agency Bold numbers indicate target met
Funded Seats Minimum Enrollment September October November December January ABE avg. ESOL avg. ABE ESOL Delta Parker Public Schools 119 215 89 194 97 302 101 316 105 313 108 321 111 317 88% 146% Academic Learning Center 95 250 71 225 63 122 93 139 74 150 75% 51% International Education Center 68 123 51 28 23 31 54 29 70 24 34 41% 47% Charter Town Learning Center 60 37 26 44 59 62 20 74% Hope House 48 45 36 41 56 69% 118% Hide no pretest and unnecessary columns ABE & ESOL programs Good, Bad, Ugly Change color of BH and BJ Change red on red font/shading Bold numbers indicate target met Red numbers indicate below allowable range

8 Application to FY20 Grant amounts
Agency Funded Seats Cost per seat ABE $ ESOL $ FY19 Funding* FY20 ABE ESOL Delta Parker Public Schools 119 88% 215 146% $ ,229 $265,251 $493,612 $744,606 $758,863 Academic Learning Center 95 75% 250 51% $ ,822 $268,090 $670,225 $974,693 $938,315 International Education Center 68 41% 123 47% $ ,346 $127,622 $230,846 $368,000 $358,469 Charter Town Learning Center 74% 60 $ ,442 $164,395 $131,868 $312,526 $296,263 Hope House 48 69% 45 118% $ ,615 $123,010 $121,205 $243,195 $244,215 * Does not include IET/IELCE and Outstation funding

9 FY20 Anticipated changes
Assessments and missing reportable data must be entered Enrollment and MSG will be assessed and determine any proposed changes for FY21

10 FY20 Funding Opportunities and Timelines (Building Capacity)
FY20 Continuation Applications – CALC/AECI, PIV, DL, Transitions, Workplace Education, SABES PD New ABE/ESOL RFP 2 million + for new programs and additional seats in current programs New IET/IELCE RFP 500K for new IET/IELCE programs statewide 500K for Berkshire, Bristol and Metro North New Workplace Education RFP 450K

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