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Health and Care Partnership Video

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Care Partnership Video"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Care Partnership Video
Working together as one to provide the best possible care and support for people when they need it.

2 Four big issues and four priorities
1 2 3 4 Managing demand out of acute care via high impact pathways Variable access and quality of services Poor estates, lack of co-location, workforce, & technology Unaffordable health & social care system Healthy & independent local people Transforming our local services Right team, right tech, right place Achieving financial control totals Population management New models of care Preventing ill health and loss of independence Tackling inequalities Good mental well-being Primary Care Networks and neighbourhood models More services out of hospital Strong hospital & specialist services New hospital Support Princess Alexandra Hospital in continuing to improving its services. Improve delivery of Emergency Care Local Integrated Care Partnerships Productivity – value for money Better organised - new partnerships Living within our means Working together as one to provide the best possible care and support for people when they need it.

3 Addressing the issues and priorities together
Sharing decisions on the use of resources Designing of services Improving population health A joint business unit Contractual relationships Working together as one to provide the best possible care and support for people when they need it.

4 Partnership principles
Committed to working in partnership – it’s not about winners and losers, Local people and what matters to them is first and foremost, We assume good intent - will do what we say and will be honest with each other We challenge ourselves to do more and do it differently Strong organisations equal a strong partnership We focus on service change and not bureaucracy Our changes will be data driven and evidence based The stories of our patients, service users, clients, local communities and staff are important We will be known for being good at delivery  We  will share good practice and learning Working together as one to provide the best possible care and support for people when they need it.

5 Key enablers and opportunities
Two recent publications that signal the intent, scale and pace of integration NHS Long Term Plan and proposals for possible changes to legislation new integrated care trusts; relaxation of competition and procurement rules; more flexibility for local payment models Integrated care provider contract consultation standard form of contract that will allow commissioners to contract for a range of primary, secondary and community services contract through a single provider Emerging NHS structure Primary care networks; integrated care partnerships; integrated care systems Working together as one to provide the best possible care and support for people when they need it.

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