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Presented by: Carolyn Richards

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1 Presented by: Carolyn Richards
ATVing in Canada Presented by: Carolyn Richards

2 All Terrain Quad Council of Canada
AQCC All Terrain Quad Council of Canada Federally incorporated as a Not-For Profit in October of 2006 A national coordinating body and service delivery organization that enhances the capabilities of member federations within Canada and represents Canadian All-Terrain rider interests nationally and around the world

3 Provincial ATV Federations & Associations

4 Traditional ATV

5 ROV (Recreational Off-Highay Vehicle)

6 ATVing in Canada is big business
2016 Socio-Economic Study Prepared by Gunther & Associates

7 6.9 Billion spent (2015) 55,000 Employed 1.9 Billion Taxes
Directly involving both ATV and OHV type Vehicles 55,000 Employed Direct, indirect & induced activities 1.9 Billion Taxes Direct & indirect taxes on goods & services

8 ATV’s in operation in Canada in 2015
705,264 ATV’s in operation in Canada in 2015 432,219 ROV (Side by side type vehicles) in operation in Canada in 2015 700 Million Cash equivelent of volunteer time

9 Safety Training

10 Active ATV Instructors in Canada
170 Active ATV Instructors in Canada 20 Active ROV (Side by side) Instructors in Canada 6 Active Chief Instructors, of which 3 are also Driver Coach Trainers

11 Students trained annually Provinces with manditory training (QC & NB)
3,500 Students trained annually 2 Provinces with manditory training (QC & NB) 6 Provinces provide voluntary training, the other 2 are working on obtaining Instructors…

12 International ATV Safety Week

13 International Safety Week
AQCC works with the Americain ATV Safety Instiute (ASI) Safety week is the first full week of June, around the 3rd to the 12th… Most provinces host safety events in conjunction with their local clubs Some provide give-a-ways like free helmets. Proclamations done at regional levels

14 Safety Week Branding Although our messaging is for everyone, we target young riders.

15 Safety Week Posters

16 Thank You! Any questions? You can find me at:

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