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National 5 Modern Studies Assignment

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1 National 5 Modern Studies Assignment

2 National 5 Modern Studies Assignment Report Write Up
The N5 Assignment/N4 Added Value Unit is worth 20 marks of your final grade. The marks contribute 20% of the overall marks for this course. It is a written report based on a topic of your own choosing (within limits) which you have individually researched. You must complete this report within one hour (exam conditions). You must complete your report on an Assignment Exam Template. You will take research evidence, collected during your research, into the assessment and you should refer to this research evidence in your assessment. This research evidence should be no more than two single-sides of A4 paper. You will submit this research evidence along with your Assignment Report Sheet to SQA for marking.

3 What do I need to do when carrying out my investigation?
I can research an appropriate Modern Studies topic or issue. I can collect relevant evidence from at least two different sources of different types. I can evaluate the effectiveness of two research methods I can describe and explain some key features of my topic or issue I can apply my Modern Studies skills to my topic or issue I can present my findings and reach a well supported conclusion about my topic which is supported by evidence.

4 Choosing a topic Your topic can be on just about anything bar the following: - Death Penalty (UK/USA or elsewhere) Assisted Suicide Animal Rights Sectarianism in Sport MUST BE CURRENT AND RELEVANT. (10 year rule)

5 Choosing a topic: Create a hypothesis
Your hypothesis is the central idea your report is based on. It should be open enough to allow you to find information on both sides of the argument. “The House of Lords should be abolished” “Drug abuse is the main cause of crime in the UK today” “The UK should give up its nuclear weapons”

6 Choosing a topic: Create aims
To fully investigate your topic and decide if your HYPOTHESIS is correct or incorrect, you must create and answer a series of aims. Example: Hypothesis: “The House of Lords should be abolished” Aim 1: to find out what the House of Lords is and its role in the UK Parliament Aim 2: to find out why many people want the House of Lords to be abolished Aim 3: to find out why many people want the House of Lords to remain part of Parliament

7 Carrying out Research Key Points for Research:
Must have a minimum of two different kinds of sources (2 different newspaper articles are 1 type of source. A newspaper article and a documentary are two different kinds of source) Suggested number of sources: 2-6 overall Must keep an accurate record of sources If you are creating primary sources (letters, surveys, questionnaires) you must collect, collate and interpret the evidence by yourself. Do not use sources if you do not understand them.

8 Some examples of the sort of souces you can use:

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