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Warm up: Put up phones and answer this question

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up: Put up phones and answer this question"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up: Put up phones and answer this question
How is fecundity important for populations? Why does it affect those with long gestational periods?

2 Biological Population & Community
Order Uniform Random Clumped Characteristics

3 Order Biosphere Biome Ecosystems Communities Populations Individuals

4 Uniform Bottom: Found in populations which distance between neighboring individuals are maximized competition for resource territoriality (penguins)

5 Random Bottom Little interaction among those in population
In habitats where environmental conditions and resources are consistent Characteristic among organisms that lack strong social interactions Dandelion seeds among wind dispersion

6 Clumped Bottom: Against predation and for trapping animals (lions)
Found in environments with patchy resources Most common Clumped together around crucial resources (watering hole) Might cluster because of social factors (wildebeest) Prey animals likely clump so they can hide and detect prey (duck) Offsprings can’t move by themselves from habitat (chimps) Threatened/ endangered organisms

7 Characteristics Physical appearance Species diversity
Size, distribution of population and species Species diversity Number of different species Species abundance Number of individuals of each species Niche structure Number of ecological niches; how they resemble or differ from each other’ species interaction

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