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The Skeletal System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Skeletal System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Skeletal System

2 The Skeletal System Definition:
206 bones in our body held together by connective tissues Cartilage Tendons Ligaments

3 CONNECTIVE TISSUES CARTILAGE: Smooth, slippery, thick layer of tissue
Covers the ends of bones Flexible and acts as a shock absorber Makes movement easier by reducing friction

4 CONNECTIVE TISSUES LIGAMENT: an elastic band of tissue that connects bone to bone and provides stability to the joint.

5 CONNECTIVE TISSUES TENDON: band of tissue that connects muscle to bone

6 The Skeletal System Function forms an internal, living framework that
provides shape and support protects internal organs moves bones forms blood cells stores calcium and phosphorous compounds for later use

7 Bones Made of layers of living tissue
Covered with a tough, tight-fitting membrane called the periosteum

8 FORMATION OF BONES All bones start off as cartilage Contain minerals
Bone replaces cartilage at about 7 months before birth up until 23 years of age Contain minerals Calcium Phosphorus Parts of bone Compact Spongy

9 Compact Bone Directly under the periosteum Hard, strong layer
Gives bones strength Contains deposits of calcium phosphate Contains bone cells and blood vessels

10 Spongy Bone Located at the ends of long bones
Has many small, open spaces that make bones lightweight Filled with a substance called marrow yellow composed of fat cells red produces red blood cells

11 Joints Definition: Any place where two or more bones come together

12 Joints Kept far enough apart by a thin layer of cartilage so that they do not rub against each other as they move Bones are held in place at joints by a tough band of tissue called ligament

13 Types of Joints Immovable Moveable Skull Pelvis Pivot Ball & socket
Hinge Gliding

14 Types of Joints Ball and Socket Joint
Bone with a rounded end that fits into a cuplike cavity on another bone Ex. Hip, Shoulder

15 Types of Joints Pivot Joint
One bone rotates in a ring of another bone that does not move Ex. Base of skull, Ulna in your forearm

16 Types of Joints Hinge Joint
Back-and-forth movement like hinges on a door Ex. Elbow ,Knee

17 Type of Joints Gliding Joint
One part of a bone slides over another bone Ex. Hand, Foot, Scapula and Clavical

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