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Chemistry First Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry First Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry First Day

2 Chemistry Science: Study of the Universe in a systematic, logical, testable way Chemistry: study of matter composition and changes

3 Class Rules Treat everyone and their property with respect.
Participate appropriately in class. Use equipment and samples properly. THINK!

4 Class points—5 per day, be on time, be prepared (book, notebook, writing utensil, etc)
Tardy—lose 1 class point, lose restroom privileges for that week, 3 tardiesdetention Restroom—1 time/week, sign out, take pass. Pass disappears, no privileges that week for EVERYONE No food, drink in this room or in lab! No electronic equipment in class. Exceptions: General Info

5 You will need: Every day: brain, book, notebook and writing utensil
When assigned: completed assignment Quite often: calculator NO, a phone is NOT a calculator Common sense and clear thought

6 Resource My web page:

7 A parting thought Admiral McRaven

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