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Charter for Elected Member Development

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1 Charter for Elected Member Development
Best practice study

2 Contents Introduction Areas of focus Outputs Contributors
We need to make sure we have the skills and expertise to continue delivering for our communities. Contents Introduction Areas of focus Outputs Contributors Lines of enquiry High level findings Lord Gary Porter LGA Chairman

3 Charter has inspired us to raise the standard of our learning and development offer and interventions. Introduction The Member Development Charter and Charter Plus were introduced in 2004 to promote member development across local government and provide councils with a robust, enabling framework. The Charter framework – three essential criteria: Today, approximately half of all councils in England hold Charter status. There is a clear commitment to councillor development and support The council has a strategic approach to councillor development Learning and development is effective in building councillor capacity Peter Gadsdon The London Borough of Brent

4 Charter has helped to bring member development to life in a way I’ve not seen anywhere else.
Areas of focus Essex County Council The London Borough of Brent East Hampshire District Council Councillor Lesley Wagland Essex County Council Drivers Value Benefits Raise the profile of councillor development as a strategic priority Celebrate progress Identify and share best practice for the benefit of current and prospective practitioners Raise awareness of Charter as an effective tool

5 To become a more resilient organisation, we need to build a strong base of skilled, knowledgeable and experienced Councillors. Outputs Councillor Sally Pond East Hampshire District Council

6 Contributors: Essex County Council
Development of all Members is critical to the successful delivery of our strategic priorities on behalf of the people we represent. Contributors: Essex County Council Councillor David Finch Leader of the Council Councillor Malcolm Maddocks Chairman of the Member Development Steering Group Councillor Lesley Wagland Deputy Cabinet Member for Infrastructure Mark Godson Head of Communications, Essex Highways Joanna Boaler Head of Democracy and Transparency Councillor Malcolm Maddocks

7 Contributors: The London Borough of Brent
Supporting and developing our members as community leaders is critical to the success of the Borough Plan Contributors: The London Borough of Brent Councillor Muhammed Butt Leader of the Council and Chair of the Member Development Steering Group Councillor Sandra Kabir Majority Group Chief Whip Councillor Promise Knight Carolyn Downs Chief Executive Peter Gadsdon Director, Performance, Policy & Partnerships Councillor Muhammed Butt Thomas Cattermole Head of Executive & Member Services Jacqueline Carr, Chief Executive, Citizens Advice Brent

8 Contributors: East Hampshire District Council
Councillor development is vital to help elected councillors contribute to the delivery of the Council’s strategic priorities Contributors: East Hampshire District Council Councillor Richard Millard Leader of the Council Councillor Sally Pond Chairman of the Councillor Development Panel Councillor Ingrid Thomas Gill Kneller Chief Executive 2019– Sandy Hopkins Chief Executive Councillor Richard Millard Caroline Tickner Head of Organisational Development James Harris Deputy Democratic Services Team Leader

9 ? ? ? ? ? ? Lines of enquiry Before and after arrangements
The value of a national standard is that it helps you avoid localised and introspective solutions. Lines of enquiry Before and after arrangements ? Alignment with council strategic objectives ? Key risks and opportunities being addressed ? Councillor David Finch Leader Essex County Council The approach to securing Charter accreditation ? The value of the Charter framework ? The impact of councillor development ?

10 Helping individuals develop the skills and confidence they need is a critical factor in sustainable progress. High level findings Drivers Value Benefits Carolyn Downs Chief Executive The London Borough of Brent

11 It enables us to embrace the breadth of skills and experience that our elected Councillors bring to the Council High level findings Gill Kneller Chief Executive East Hampshire District Council

12 Contents Introduction Areas of focus Outputs Contributors
We need to make sure we have the skills and expertise to continue delivering for our communities. Contents Introduction Areas of focus Outputs Contributors Lines of enquiry High level findings Lord Gary Porter LGA Chairman

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