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Long Walk to Water Vocab list 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Long Walk to Water Vocab list 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Long Walk to Water Vocab list 1

2 Cradle Verb To hold gently or carefully

3 Droned Verb To make a continuous low humming sound

4 aimless Adjective Without a clear purpose or specific reason.
Ex. When students are bored in class, they will ask to go to the bathroom, then wander aimlessly through the halls.

5 bush Noun Wild, unsettled area
(similar to the woods in our area, but instead of trees, there are large bushes)

6 rebels Noun People who resist against a government, often through force or violence.

7 hesitate Verb To pause before acting (often due to fear or uncertainty.

8 Scurry Verb To move at a quick pace. (Often implies the urge to hide.)

9 protested Verb A formal statement of disagreement or disapproval

10 objected Verb Expressing one’s disagreement or disapproval of something.

11 ritual Noun A ceremony in which events are done in a specific form or order (often, but not always religious)

12 flinched Verb A quick nervous movement of the body as an instinctive reaction to fear, surprise or pain.

13 artillery Noun A military branch of the army that uses large caliber guns These troops are ground troops, as opposed to the navy, which is in the water, or the air force, which is in the sky.

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