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The use of technology in the classroom has greatly enhanced our literacy program. We use programs through student computers, SmartBoards, and iPads. Our.

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2 The use of technology in the classroom has greatly enhanced our literacy program. We use programs through student computers, SmartBoards, and iPads. Our online programs foster a school and home connection. Independence is fostered through digital literacy as students can learn at different levels and access varying degrees of assistance. Students also access multiple learning styles when using technology. Digital literacy encompasses reading fluency, reading comprehension, spelling, grammar, punctuation, creative writing, and cross-curricular learning. Students benefit from online learning and ebooks as it integrates modern tools and digital resources. The use of digital literacy programs promotes enjoyment of reading and creativity and leads to great confidence in our students.

3 Computers and the Internet are without a doubt amongst the fastest evolving technologies ever invented! In order to prepare our students for a competitive future, we strive to instill technological skills that will essentially become second nature to them. GAA students are exposed to such skills from kindergarten all the way to grade eight.

4 Kindergarten room has a computer centre Integration of iPad apps for core subjects Magnetic ABC, Spelling Treasures, Math Magic, etc. Art with programs such as Kids Pix and Lego Digital Designer Basic Keyboarding Skills Introduction to Microsoft Office Word, Publisher and Power Point

5 Desktop publishing using Microsoft Office Word and Publisher Core subjects are enriched with online programs Mathletics and Spellodrome Enhanced data management with Microsoft Excel numbers come alive with real time graphs GAA students have 24/7 access to accurate and safe websites Encyclopedia Britannica Online GAA staff developed websites

6 Students in this division learn basic computer algorithms Enriched Visual Arts program with digital photography classes (lighting, aperture settings, etc.) digital photo editing Grade 6 students learn to assemble and configure computers! These computers are used throughout the school.

7 Personal school email address - advertisement free Design and maintain individual websites Full integration of Microsoft Office Suite for all academic classes Develop databases using Access Mathematical equations come to life with Sketchpad Drama – HD cameras and digital film editing Music – MIDI sequencer and notation

8 Glenn Arbour Academy has an INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD in every homeroom. These boards address many different learning styles. Students are easily engaged throughout the entire lesson.

9 Our Visual Arts and Computers programs combined to form digital photography classes. Many of the photographs on the digital displays on this table were taken by Glenn Arbour Academy students.

10 Burlington Green recently awarded our school the 2012 Eco Award. We intend to continue being green by no longer printing the Highlander (our school newspaper). Instead, our intermediate students are developing a website to publish the eHighlander. This interactive newspaper will combine the cumulative skills taught in our language arts, computers and visual arts program.

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