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Agenda 3/30/16 CPR Presentations Continue CPR Notes Assignment

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 3/30/16 CPR Presentations Continue CPR Notes Assignment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 3/30/16 CPR Presentations Continue CPR Notes Assignment Double Exposure Critique Compete the Double Exposure Self Evaluation 5) Turn in the Double Exposure Project: Yourlastname-DE1.jpeg Yourlastname-DE2.jpeg Yourlastname-DE3.jpeg 6) Del Mar Fair Project – Choose 2 Options 2 Weekly Photos due next class

2 Double Exposure Critique: Choose 1 DE to write about.
Explain the concept. What photos are combined and what new idea does it present? What is successful about this DE? What did the student do well? Creative concept? Unique photoshop techniques? Explain. What could be improved? Comment on Photoshop technique, unity, color, image inside the portrait/figure. Could they break the silhouette of the figure? Could they add more objects? Could they add a color overlay? Explain.

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